The census has gone outside the Constitutional limits for years with what they ask on the actual survey and now this? So I did not send it back. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! In addition to the decennial census count, the Census Bureau also manages many surveys that provide valuable information for the country on a variety of subjects, including education, health care, crime, housing, employment, and government spending. During the last survey I chose not to fill it out. We have been like a frog cooked in our own water slowly. If a citizen doesn't comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. Get every bit of info on that person I can (don't forget to do a criminal search) and call them and start asking them questions they will find offensive and question them about their personal life from what I find out about them. so i would be prepared. I'll see "YOU" on the tube."You Tube". I repeatedly told her that I gave the legal information I am required by law and that is how many people live here. It's a breath of fresh air. I started my business for 75 cents. About one month later I received a phone call from a supervisor. The census taker left a note me a note today. How come I get the ACS? And it would not fabricate stories in order to confiscate private information from the people it should be serving. If you have questions regarding the Census Bureau, data products, or general information call the Census Bureau Customer Service Center at 1-800-923-8282. Back to this census nonsense: I filled out the 2000 and don't owe them a thing until 2010 census. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. I plead the 5th amendment because the government can ask legally, according to the attorneys office, but I can also remain silent legally. I have no idea about the ACS (or any of their personal questions). If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. I had missed several calls but the pattern seemed to be that I got them every other day. I have a meeting with my congressional representative this morning to let him know that I am not returning this form, and to hand him personally the form that I was sent. These surveys are most useful for small businesses that need to . I told the second person who called me that I had already refused to cooperate with the first person who called. I work for one of the phone centers for the Census Bureau. (The car had to pass my house to get to the neighbors.) It's not good politics. I received the ACS invasion of privacy letter on my door yesterday. How to confirm the person visiting your address is a legitimate Census Bureau employee or whether the contact you received was from the Census Bureau. Protect your privacy. I plan on turning over any fines or issues to these attorneys I know and I have used them before. this implies you have obligations to help the government count but not to answer every intrusive question they might ask. What things do we never ask for? When you click the unsubscribe link you will automatically be opted-out of future email that is the same category as the email you received.For more information on opt-out categories, refer to Email Opt-Out Configurations. Next, they sent a real ***** who first harassed my child after being told that I was out of town (I was), then tried to enter our residence (my son was sitting there watching as the doorknob turned). We haven't been bothered since. Go Tea Party! I've received two of these obscene forms and I do not to answer any of the questions printed thereon. I am getting bothered by the census people now and what really annoys me to death is that I look all over the place and see all these people with basement apartments making tons of money off the books. Uh, no. Passive resistance is no longer an option. You can find the ACS forms on the Census web site under ACS. Your participation in a Census Bureau survey is critical, and your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these surveys. Anyway, this guy knocked twice or three time so I ignored him. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. My husband and I run a small trucking company, and we received a census form for the business. This survey obviously goes far beyond the constitutional mandate of a decennial census, both in the frequency of its administration and the scope of questions asked. Any illegal can purchase your number for any amount of money. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? The data bank, like any data bank, runs the risk of being hacked or accessed by dishonest parties. When I mentioned the threat of a fine to the last caller she seemed horrified that I would accuse her of that and went out of the way to state that she didn't bring it up. "is your name blah blah blah?" a race is a competition with winners and losers being monitored by individuals who are not in the running. "Popcorn? i told her no, she kept asking, i kept telling her no and eventually snuck in my apartment when she drove to park. what is this country coming to? Even the IRS does not ask such personal questions as to how our private lives are lived each day. Look Since 1968, this volunteer-based program has helped nearly 50 million low to moderate-income taxpayers on., 550 . I have written both my senators, Warner and Webb of Virginia, and stated my refusal to comply with the ACS. He told the guy to just make something up. I immediately informed him that on the advice of counsel I was refusing the survey. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. The yahoos on the Hill will continue to usurp our rights. I am in the middle of this ACS thing now and refusing to answer. Thank you for your time and attention to this, and I expect this matter to be closed. We keep refusing them and they keep threatening us. So this is where all of your Constitution quotes mess up. 10 minutes ago I felt apprehensive. They only want to know how many people live in the residents. They were expected to decline another 9% this year, according . The Google Analytics opt-out add-on is designed to be compatible with Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Yesterday, a lady came by and tried to ask questions about the form. The Census Bureau will call, and then after the calls then they visit your home. My family has found past census information to be very valuable in genealogical research. Last year I was hounded by these people and they are back I am so glad I did not answer or call or contact them I cannot believe this information is relevant for city planningthe person above said it best. of Justice. These tabulations are used to determine how many representatives each state has in Congress. Because this is a new data collection effort, the marital history items will be evaluated with other survey data and OK anon75478: Then you won't mind answering these question will you? Note down your survey questions. They just closed one of the best schools in the area, and nobody surveyed me to ask if I cared about that! anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! LOL. OMG!! I will not answer the questions on the American Community Survey and we all have the right and the duty to stand up against this intrusion. The American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, and replaces the census "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. And then I get this BS from a government agency? How many times has this person been married? Maintaining the privacy of your survey answers is important to us. And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. This has been going on for almost three months and has caused tremendous stress in our household. Title 13 section 141, subsections (a) and (d) authorize surveys. I gave them my name and not much more. Fine, sue me, I dare you, but stop holding me hostage in my home. We are getting a camera for the outside of our home this week, so we will be ready. The Census Bureau insists that personal information contained in these devices was protected by passwords and other security measures. Alternatively, those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the Census Bureau agents generally received more contacts. What Percent of the US Population do Teachers Comprise? Our government is abusive, tyrannical and murderous. I don't bother to answer my phone unless I know who it is. She finally walked away but now I am sleepless as a result of this because I am not certain as to what will happen next. I took the job because it pays really well. There are two adults and two children living at this residence. He said he'd have the "government guy" contact me the next day. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau is required to conduct a census to determine the number of people living in the country. Person 22. You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. Thank you, fellow Americans! About 40 phone calls to date, some leave messages while others hang up. The next day I called back and talked to a different agent or whatever they are. What is the ACS (American Community Survey)? Although they have a mandate and articles and codes under the US code, this is all for the census not the ACS. Whether I'm white, black, hispanic, etc., or whether I own or rent my home, makes as much difference to the count of legal U.S. citizens as not having to show your legal or illegal status as a U.S. citizen. Way too much info requested (stuff I wouldn't tell my friends, let alone the government!!) It is simply nobodys business. About one week later, I was ready to mail in my form. He was very surprised. Great. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. They're not authorized to do that. Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? If they aren't getting anything from my house and they've canvassed my six neighbors twice (actually talking to four of them). Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime falls within section 3559, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. I don't believe the ACS should, or has the right, to require more. I ordered him to leave and he said he would have to go get the sheriff and return. I hollered at the door that "I'm a crippled senior and DO NOT open my door unless its my kids". she yelled through the door announcing her name & bla bla "census, have some questions for you"..I'll just leave my card & you can call me next week!". I ignored all of them. Now I find out he has been to my place of employment looking for me. The calls started today. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. "Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who who have the courage to defend it." If it was a problem, she then had my phone number; it wasn't blocked. The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) I like the idea of the videocam. No one from the Census has ever e-mailed you - they don't have e-mail and even if they did, they don't have yours. When I got to the financial questions I thought - what?? I sent in the Census form (and that's all I'm required to provide). This makes no sense at all. I even gave them the date I mailed it on. There is only a theoretical possibility that they could fine you. Census sends a letter saying that your address was selected for the ACS. Confidentiality? When I "googled" the survey one of the first things I saw was "Is the American Community Census legitimate?" This warning is clearly stated on the ACS envelope, and the form itself threatens a fine for people who refuse or willfully neglect to complete the survey. I remember the paperwork that I signed, highlighted the fact that it was a temporary position with no benefits of any sort. Cowards! Thank you for your interest in the age, racial composition, daily habits, and private information regarding the private lives and private property of the members of my household. These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. Have you ever filed taxes? Well the federal government is functioning way beyond its legal powers and I will not feed that machine. You need to stop peering in my window and you need to leave right away." Protect yourselves and your privacy, don't complete the form! ACS has only been going since 2005. I simply put, 'None of your business". Please meet, call write your congressperson to recommend that they sign on to this legislation, and get rid of this ridiculous intrusion of government into your private and personal affairs. My wife and I are not answering this. And, based on the Census, Virginia had 30 percent of the population of the United States. When someone asks my wages, my mortgage information, and what time and where I work, I see this as "seizing personal information." I've been in some pretty terrifying situations and I don't scare that easily. It is community based, and an effort to get away from the biased media to get the truth from people in the area it applies. If you need assistance in verifying a Census Bureau survey mailing, call, or in-person interview, contact the Census Bureau Regional Office associated with your state. Now I wish I hadn't answered her on the phone. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. I bet some of the people who are so desperate for food and necessities in other countries would love to change places with you and they would probably be thrilled to answer a few questions. Would you believe they just called again? I refused to answer these as these are not required. I am going to avoid all traps and when it is time to have them finally come over I am going to do an international webcast and sing answers and slowly say, ohhhhh I don't know.let me think and sit there for 15 minutes for each question.everyone will know where I don't work, how much money I don't make and that I don't have plumbing and that I fart a lot That's the game the Nazi's started with in the 30's as did Stalin, with the knocks on the door and the spying on each other. I am a law abiding American citizen, tax payer (working 2 jobs) and a registered voter, not a criminal or bum or illegal immigrant living off the tax payers. Don't remember getting the long form but if I did, I would have tossed it unopened since I already did my duty filling out the census and mailing it in. 6)repeal criminal legislation like H.R. That's four times today and it's just past noon on Saturday. I hope my great-grandkids appreciate it, too. He came by every hour starting at 6 Thursday. Then you want to threaten with fines? The ability of our federal government to properly train temporary, and permanent, employees in PII and cyber security are not well represented in recent historical accounts. After reading many of the earlier posts, I feel I am doing the right thing by not returning the survey. To opt out permanently: Go to or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) to start the process. I got the ACS forms and I am scared to be fined. He said, "I'll see what I can do." Then why am I being asked what my race is? You can search the internet and find many references to threats of a fine, but you won't find anyone who has ever been fined. But, on a positive note, we were all meant for happiness - it is our purpose. You aren't getting mine! No one has been fined for failure to comply, and no one ever will be. In three weeks they should mail me a duplicate form. So why would the government hire a company such as ACS to dig into our lives? don't let them take our rights away even more than they already have. Gartner. Was the government going to send us all birthday presents when they came around? Section (d) authorizes every 10 years starting 1985. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. Baltimore Community to your survey low to moderate-income taxpayers by taking surveys, you can quick! The threat is there because it works. I started to take the survey and the more I saw the more upset I got. Then came the second one,it followed the first. Now the latest. What I want to know for sure is: Can they make, force, and punish you for not filling out this thing? Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. Poster 235 is on to something: maybe my neighborhood can get a new school, a new hospital, and a new fire station. She left. All the information you provide to the Census Bureau is strictly confidential and protected and collected solely for statistical purposes. By completing a survey, you represent not onlyyourself but other households or businesseslike yours in the nation. "; "What is your favorite color on Thursday afternoons between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.? Then the phone calls started. I felt like cursing this lady out! The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. *Respondents may Reply "Stop" to opt out of receiving text messages. Emails from the Census Bureau will have instructions or information to complete a survey online, by phone with a Census Bureau representative, or by paper. Just hang tough and they will eventually leave you alone. I can go on the internet and find more about you then anything the census is looking for. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. When does their employment end, and shouldn't they be thanking these non-compliant people for extending their pay a bit longer? Report. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit agreed and reversed his conviction. Their job is to get the form completed, that is all. I am with all of you that it is all wrong and will not return the form. These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. As a current enumerator I'd like to say thanks to the great majority of people who have courteously answered census questions. So he then left. They can't really do anything and they certainly aren't going to. I was out in my yard and she was yelling at me from a distance. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. This page links you to information about our surveys, frequently asked questions, and the people to contact if you need help. Moreover, since there are no reported instances of the Census Bureau taking legal or financial action, some speculate that the Census Bureau's threats carry no weight. We mailed in a partially filled out surveys with no birthdays or claims of citizenship (the Arizona authorities can't ask if someone is illegal, according to the feds, so neither can the feds ask me.) In 2000 I placed a large sprinkler by my front door. Well, as the creators of the slide at Fort Carson explained, neither are . However, we will make it quite clear we will accept the risk and continue to take this stand. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. This is a bunch of crap. Are you kidding? Came back the very next day, and told my husband that he has full authority to open it and if we don't comply then we will be fined anywhere from $100-5000, and the marshal would be accompanying him tomorrow to arrest my husband if we don't comply. That's a load of crap. People, what is so terrible about giving out the number of people who live in your household? The answers we all provide are used to help determine the best distribution of more than $675 billion in federal and state funds annually. "I'm afraid my trees are eating the elephants, now." I am proud to be an American, but not very proud of our government. There are free opt-outs for caregivers and those with a deceased relative. "; "How many times a day do you fantasize about blowing up a federal building? Are we going to let this happen? Led by lawmakers with a 'limited government' worldview, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted three times since 2012 (including this past spring) to let Americans opt-out of answering the ACS. Please, that's where this money is going in there pockets. I know that some of you were harassed by the census folks. As stated in the US Constitution Article 1 Section 2: I only have to fulfill my duty as a citizen by helping you enumerate, and I'm not required to answer any questions until the next Census in 2010. I did respond to the regular census and regret answering all of those questions. I was going to fill it out and check "race: other, American" but now I just don't even want to fill the dang thing out. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. If they come and announce who they are, I'll simply start yelling, "Non parlo Inglese! Wound up yelling at anyone who would speak to me and finally the harassment stopped. According to the survey, 23% of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers consider relocating production. Still standing on my porch, I watched her drive back by my house when she left. He called and left a message to call him to make an appointment to fill out the form. If Big Brother wants to bring the law so be it. Then, the phone calls started and they won't stop. The ACS replaced the old census long form and the questions have absolutely nothing to with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. A few days ago had a census worker knock on my door. Only 8% do not want to work from home at any frequency. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. If you want to opt-out, download and install the add-on for your web browser. The surveyor didn't respond to that one when we had a "terse" discussion with them today. This BS is incredible. The caller will identify themselves as a Census Bureau representative. I insisted that the little brownshirt leave and go look in the mailroom because I was not going to do it over again-like I have nothing better to doshe said I was in BIG trouble because she could FORCE me to do it over. They came to my door at all hours. If you wish to independently confirm that the person at your door is a Census Bureau field representatives conducting a household survey = you can enter their name in the Census Bureausstaff searchwebsite, or contact theRegional Officefor your state. Is that something you would want to get into the wrong hands? I personally do not want to answer because it's just a habit but if they did catch me off-guard, I would probably give them an answer of some sort (like I am a boyfriend who is watching my girlfriend's house while she's away with the peace corps for six months and that I already answered the census for my home a few blocks away). This is about a rental property that is currently empty and was on April 1, if that really means anything. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. I am glad I am not myself the lunatic fringe. What a bunch of paranoid people you are. During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. The provision for the Census is found in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. No one I have talked to since I received this survey has known anything about it. Your name, address and phone number (front cover of the ACS), 2. What can I expect? The courts have held the Census form is not a constitutional invasion of privacy and is allowed per the constitution itself. I filled in only the number of adults and children and wrote a note on the form that this was the only information I would provide. Children living at this residence by and tried to ask if I cared that..., those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the first who. Cover of the census Bureau is strictly confidential and protected and collected for. But stop holding me hostage in my form who would speak to me and finally the harassment.! Law and that is all for the Ninth Circuit agreed and reversed his conviction consider. Still did not fill it out remembering, or has the right thing by not returning the survey generates that! 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