She winces, gripping Alexs arm and Lenas hand tighter, almost hurting them but not quite. She reaches within the hidden pocket on her suit and pulls out her glasses, sliding them onto her face. Tell them I will see them with Rao when their time comes, and Ill put in a good word for Lois to join us. The sisters look up at each other, sharing a teary-eyed glance. You killed her! Her glasses were the one thing that tethered her to her human identity. You. Please, Alex begs, ripping up some grass and pressing it in her hand. No, um Winn, a man back on Earth, a close friend, made it for me.. Alex looks down, lowering herself onto the island and stretching out her arms. I am going to let you be. But the job wasnt done yet. Youre right. She has to figure that out for herself. Are you alright? I know that we reporters are taught to keep bias out of the pieces we write. Did you ever finish reading it? He shakes his head. Kara cocks her head, ready to ask another question, but the doppel hurls her knuckles toward Karas face. In pain. Slowly, the hero looked over her shoulder and at the face of the woman that caused her the most pain. And even better that she still cant tell Alex who she really is, not with Haley still breathing down her neck. We all still love you. She, um shes lost., Void of hope for you and mankind. I dont know, he starts. The girls laugh and Lena stays with her, all the way until the sky grows dark. It's been months since Kara and Lena broke up, and Lena has no idea how much it affected Kara until Alex breaks down her door. Both sisters wince at the harsh flash of light, then embrace tightly. Are you still in love?. She believed in putting the safety of others first above any relationship she may have. I dont know what to do about her. A friendship was blossoming within the Paragons. She leans forward and puts her elbows on the table. Read as characters from Glee and the Arrowverse are taken away from their lives to watch their stories and understand who they really are, underneath all the lies and masks they've used over the years. Her team was coming for her. She glances down at her dress and heels, then fixes her glasses with a touch of the frame. What? Whatever she did during the crisis had damaged it badly, and he wasnt going to let it stand. Hesitantly, she manages to sit up. Saturn Girl. After being constantly abandoned, Spider is confronted with a bunch of newborn Recoms with a strong family drive. She had sat him on the couch and applied it to her lips, showing him they dont eat them. Who did she promise to love eternally? She would cry herself to sleep most nights, then wake up in the morning a new person to restart it all over again. One emotional, the other strong in body. Kara, he says stopping her. Yeah, that. So he takes a deep breath, sits in his leather chair beside the chessboard, and tells the truth for the first time in years. Then she pulls out the flattened bullet she put in her pocket, holding it up to Alex. Alex finally arrives on the scene with her troops, watching horrified as the machine crushes the citys hero. I love him, Alex. You know, I think youare worth it. I took him to the DEO where he was in a coma for several days before he woke up, almost killed a few agents, then ran away trying to send a message to his home planet. She turns into her friend, the one that will never leave her, and wraps fumbling arms around her. But she stands her ground, needing to keep the line of sight right where she is. Shes my best friend, Lex. Im more concerned for your and Alexs safety than my own right now so please, put the gun down.. She looked broken. After that there are requests, prompts, etc and just things I wrote because I got an idea. He takes a step back into the hall and closes his eyes, whisking himself away from the apartment. What do you mean?, I havent gone on a single date since you left. She knew I had hated her for betraying me and wanted my forgiveness, so I gave her the job here.. Mmm, not until I finish my glass, please. She mightve lied to her about her identity thinking she was protecting her, but she was also protecting her family. Boxy computers and gritty screens struggle to keep the picture steady. Trusted him enough to know that he would not hurt her too badly or lie to her for too long. Until she got a call from Winn. Kara stares at her, clenching her jaw, knowing where her next fist is going to fly. She inhales sharply, giving a watery gasp. You. He listens as Imras steps grow faint. You always did choose your words carefully around me, she says quietly. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. What are you doing?, Alex sighs, taking in all her work. I shouldve let you in, shouldve let you be a part of our team. Do you think you could ask Supergirl to be in attendance? The sheer strength radiating off her. Okay, Kara.. She had one hand on the arm that pinned her chest, the other clawing at the heros face but leaving no marks. I seemed to scare her more than she did me. Lena tries to smile, but it comes out forced and uneven. Or the soldiers who were here were going to use them as a signal for help.. But Kara could answer her with a different question. Tell Yvette I say hello and I wish her well. If he did, hed look weak. From out of the corner of Karas eye, she spots Alex standing behind Lena, a wicked smile on her face. Lenas pace slows as Karas speeds up. You and I have had our differences when I wasnt her, I knew that if they came together you would never trust me again. Kara opens her eyes, red and swollen. Needed. The next time she opens them, she is in the infirmary. Kara can barely keep her eyes open. On top of all of that, another challenge lies ahead too, when what should be a routine doctor's visit sets off a chain of events that threatens to tear the Wilkins family apart for good, and challenges Jack's entire identity and sense of self. This the story where I became my Rival's Girlfriend. He pulls her closer to him, tucking her into his chest. She hugs her tightly, holding Cats frail body gently. He gives her hand a squeeze before turning to her, standing and helping her up off the ground. Im so sorry. Im the one that inspired her to create this plan. Something is going on with you and we can talk about it when you sober up, but for now, Im not leaving here.. She was a sister. Shall we?. Um In my old locker, there should be a bag with a change of clothes and some spare glasses.. The doppel was strong, stronger than she was. Youll be able to see her in about an hour., Lena lets out a sigh, relief filling her. His wife was curled up against him, tucked under his arm as they rested in the DEO lounge. Kara sucks in a breath. You have to be ready for your day today, Supergirl. He grins at her, turning to the door. That was the biggest difference between them. But he was at the bar with Imra. She could just be Kara with him. She watched as her friend flew to her in normal clothing, in Karas clothing, and she cant wrap her mind around it. Alex Kara cries, her face crumbling as she collapses into her sisters arms. Lena, what are you doing here?, Lenas bottom jaw juts out, her lips quivering with anger. She looks like a shell of the perfect human she is. They were her weakness. She didnt think she could even be under the influence. Kara was there for me for a lot of important moments of my life. She looks up at her red-faced friend. Im not in charge of him. She wraps a towel around her and steps out into the bathroom. The whimpers got her out of bed. Someone in the ship who is awake shoots and yells something in Saturnian and then Kara discovers it is Mon-El. Turns out things aren't exactly like they were in her world, and he makes her promise him something. Andrea has officially ruined the CatCo brand. Is he going to be her protector or the man that will eventually break her heart? -understand, Ms. Luthor. She cocks her head, thinking. Has he put you on the bench? You will stay and lend your help because I am ordering you to as director of the DEO and because that order is coming from the President.. Youre bigger. Fluff; Smut; Post Season 6; Slow Burn; Summary. Kara, I cant walk. And I dont think I can change her mind about it., Kara nods. Even though you are older, she may find it difficult to see past that., He leans back, already defeated. Youre married.. But at the same time, they both know the truth. Not willing herself to throw it away, although she doesnt want it, she places it in the box. Youre free., Kara raises her eyebrows at him with great force. Kara cocks her head at her. She had never thought shed see him again. Tell me what? Alex asks, taking a hesitant step toward them. I always talk out loud. Lena doesnt pull the trigger. All of her extras were in place on the street below, ready for her cue to begin their part. Yes, he whispers. I never want to leave.. Kara winces at his name, tears falling heavier. Thats what puts you a step ahead. To reality. Gracefully. Okay. Honestly, I dont know. Kara and Mon-El are both silent, staring at each other. Im bringing you in., I dont doubt that. Im talking fire, the smoke, ash anything that bomb has touched.. Mon-El rushes to Imra and they kiss, Mon-El says that she is his wife. You dont deserve any of it., Lena nods. We all have our mistakes, our regrets. It doesnt need your signature.. Kara had almost killed herself trying to get it back, and she succeeded in that mission but failed in death. Through a series of trials and errors she befriends a night fury whom she names Toothless. I was looking for my mom! The girl cries. Never, Kate consoles, walking over and sitting down next to her. Lena points to the kitchen and Kara opens her eyes and sighs. Tell her whatever you have to, but we need her., Jonn stalls, knowing if he tells her the truth, he would not only be telling her sister but also her best friend. Instantly, his foot falls through the floorboards and he yelps. And I made a few modifications to your suit.. Its the wine, she says to herself. I killed my brother for you, for our friends! She meets him and he puts his fingers to his lips, ready for her questions. Put that down, she pleads. Ill let you get back. Alex looks down, scraping the ground with the heel of her boot. She returns her gaze to her. A few moments later the sound of soft hitting and talking drifts through the open door. I will protect with everything that I have as long as you live on Earth. Needs to breathe again. Are you okay?, Lena looks her over, eyes widening at the blood that has stopped leaking from her stomach, the red that isnt pouring out of her mouth. He chuckles turning to her. Lena. It was a mutual agreement., Hes alive. Lenas impressed, although scared. I know the little boy I grew up with. Youre considering telling her the truth? Alexs voice grows with some surprise. One of the many things Krypton used against them when in an argument, and he was the crown prince. She hadnt expected the reason for Karas lies to be so dangerous. You were kind, friendly. She even wanted to feel the guilt Kara feels for not spending time with someone, because that would mean she had someone. Lena gets tickets to watch a soccer team in National City and meets the star player, Kara Danvers. Forgive her? she repeats, mocking. Another time that he needs to test new toys. The pair arrive at the Fortress and Alex runs inside, straight to Supergirls bedside. This was all a lot, for one day. The reasoning? You gave me a spare key.. Come in.. But I cant do anything. We were so good together. If her friend wanted to kill her, it was justified. IF you want to read this giant meandering thing in chronological order, refer to chapter 1. What can I do?, She draws a shaky breath in, her own tears beginning to fall. Are we ready? She asks them. Kara is fully awake now and tries to pry him off her but he doesnt budge. She shakes her head, stroking Alexs hair. Her shoulders hike up to her ears, trying to grow smaller. And Im not asking you to forgive her. Why are you late?. Kara, she gasps. Now, Alex orders, pointing toward the gurney. I know I dont. Alex watches over Karas shoulder as the bridge falling crawls toward them. I watched you die, Lex. Lena was wide awake, a heavy weapon in her hand as she stands above Kara. Sam sets down her glass. Alex Director Danvers Had detained her after she interfered with one too many DEO crime scenes, not abiding her contract of keeping away from the agency. I dont know, I guess. Kara brushes past Lena and stands behind her, taking her arms and folding them behind her back, using a hand to lock her wrists together. Kept her identity from me for three years. She and Lena were friends, she had exposed herself to the city, Alex and Maggie were married and they had a child, she was married. Why? But I can also see through it., Oh, dont be like that. Kelly wakes on the couch in a sleeping Alexs arms, looking over her shoulder at her groggily. Youre killing her! Alex hesitates. So strong. You need to look at me, okay? See, you wont come after me because you have a bigger mess to clean up. Im gonna miss you so, so much, she cries, holding him tighter. Didnt trust her with Lex, Sam, Kryptonite, big secrets that were life-threatening to her, to Supergirl, to the human race. Supergirl got in the way of most of them, and we decided we werent right for each other. People didnt want to be around him anymore and he was alone. The day had only been a few hours in real-time, but Mxy was speeding up her alternate reality. Kara and Mon-El start off rocky as they are from rival planets. Kara stands close to one, and just before Alex can call out to her, the wire snaps and whips into the back of her. The lack of sleep and nutrients she is suffering from clearly has taken a toll. Enjoy your date. She squeezes Karas shoulder and gives her a kiss on the cheek, which Kara returns. I found this under the bed. Kara puts a comforting hand on her sisters back and rubs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Kara looks at him guiltily and he understands. Your relationship with him is conflicted., Conflicted, Kara repeats, eyebrows raising. To be honest with you, I dont know. Lenas eyebrows raise in alarm at her. If she was awake. And Roger and Sarah are both concerned. We have no way of getting to her, making contact, tracking her, so well have to do it the old fashioned way.. James advances toward it and Lena tries to as well but is stopped by Alex. That my best friend, that every friend I had was lying to me. Yes, she mutters, dragging her lips over his shoulder. She watches his reaction, and when she realizes he wont be able to communicate, she lets him go. She she has a plan., To make the human race incapable of betraying one another., Because I betrayed her! Kara shouts, punching the ground so hard it cracks. You find so many interesting little places when you do so., Are you taking me to one of your interesting little places?, Of course. To us., Kara squints at him. The Luthor looks up at her, clenching her jaw. I did. I prefer meeting people out in the real world. She couldn't get any bruises that would alert them of anything. Ive been through enough to figure that out. Karas head snaps to the side and she spits, her lip splitting and letting a river of blood drip off her chin and onto her suit. Mon-El had put himself to bed soon after he tucked Alex in. He raises a foot and takes a step in. Her tears roll down her cheeks and over her knuckles, dripping onto the bags of takeout. But so was Supergirl. Shes not the Luthor you remember her to be. And, he managed to put color into it.. Sorry if that bothers you. I will never leave you ever again, Kara. The champagne sits above their heads, the level in the bottle sunk low along with their apprehension to ask deeper questions. She hugs Alex around the waist, pressing her head into her stomach and pulling her legs onto hers. Meetings, dates, friendships. And I understand She watches at Karas own tears sprout, out of pain and relief that she finally knows. But out of shame, he pretended. I know its not exactly home, but its-. Nothing. I was really worried about you waking up. She looks down shyly and bites her lip. He has a wife. Why are you here?. But to make amends with you, I think you should know the truth.. But as she looks closer, she notices his cane never touches the ground. I know, she says, looking at him desperately. I noticed it was gone. It was as if she was hearing herself tell the story. Karas face falls, walking into her living room and sitting down next to Mxy, eyes glued to the screen. What would Kara say? There was her first crush from high school who died while he was with her, Cats son when she was kidnapped right from their date, and then Mon-El, who was her only love but had no competition since they never went on a real date. An empty warehouse. Were all fine., He waves a hand through the air. Because I care more about your personality than your beliefs. Kate grins, holding up her hands. Tell my mother that I wished I could have visited her more, and that I wish for Argo to prosper and that I will see her when we reunite with Father and Rao. Kara grins, accepting her fate knowing she will see her family again. I cant do that. The quiet reporter who works for a magazine. Who? He asks, uneasily. No, He nods, pulling his hands away from his face. Kate! she calls, raising a hand and taking a few steps toward the door to stop her. So shoot me. Alex is sprawled on Karas couch, her legs resting over Karas lap as they take turns sharing a carton of ice cream. So kind and inviting next to her. Yes, yes, yes. Mon-El Kara starts, standing up cautiously. To the most beautiful woman. She talks on the phone with someone below her, snipping at them as she marks with a red pen notes for a cover. Her arms are met with Kara, her sisters hands sliding up her forearms to her biceps. Her sister has put major trust into this woman. One where if she stayed, she becomes stressed with the pressures of her media company and her title. Kara inhales sharply at the sudden sound of her. Because if she were honest with herself, shed wish for the same. So, youre here for her, Lena whispers, a tear slipping down her cheek. The night had concealed her face, but Kara could still make out her features and the sound of her voice. Usually, no one comes in while she is in tears and pain. And her confidence in herself was thriving. But you still stood by me. Im married? She sniffs, wiping her nose and looking up at him. I dont Kara starts, looking up and squeezing her eyes shut. Ill always be with you., No. Her arms wrap around Kara, her best friend, the reporter, and she holds on to her. He hesitates, then starts with, How is she?, Alex narrows her eyes at him. No. Be good to him, Kara. They hate each other. When he is finished with his work he turns around, showing off a bracelet-looking figure. Will we see you on Game Night? Alex asks. He didnt break her heart because he didnt love her. I wanted to be a reporter to give people the cold hard truth. Go to him! Alex urges, shoving her off the bed. When you found out why didnt you come to me right away? I want to love her for the rest of my life, but I cant., You will, Kara says, putting a hand on her arm. She stayed at Catco, she says quietly, closing the magazine and dragging her fingers across the cover. You had me believing you actually hated Supergirl., Lena almost chokes on her whiskey. She returns to the couch begrudgingly, handing Alex the glass and sitting in the chair opposite from her. Damn it, he mumbles, sitting back. What for?, Kara almost smiles, but with the situation they are in this is no time for smiling. I cant believe youre here. I promise. She leans down and kisses Karas forehead, then leaves the room, wiping her cheeks. Ruby's favorite soccer player is defiantly Lena's now. I have to get out there, she tells, staring at Alex with hopeful eyes. Lena slams the door closed on her, shutting her out of her life, and their friendship. Lena sighs, the exchange between them making her feel like a weight had been lifted. You see, Alex, I can be patient. Brought back each Earth and everyone in it. Kara! Agent Danvers has met her before, notDirector., Karas arms drop to her sides. Kara watches their interaction, her pulse quickening at the sense of something horrible about to happen. Lenas eyes widen at her, her arm slowly dropping to her side. Mon-El was heartbroken. Maybe, she whispers. She felt guilty, but she caught the underlying tone of Lenas words. He does, and Kara listens to his uneven voice as he explains the next move. With the government wanting to know her identity and Haley investigating, you had us wipe your memory of her. These boards are so dry theyre like stepping on toothpicks.. Yes, I know its you. We need to know how to fix this., Jonn hesitates for a moment, then begins to set up the sun lamps above them. She needed to hear his chest jump when he laughed as she rested her head on him, feel his throat rumble against her lips as he spoke sweet words to her when she kissed him there. Important that I know. What do you mean, youve lived without her before, Alex says. A body that could not be broken and a face that ages longer than an average human. In the fight, Kara defeats Superman, being declared as the champion of Earth. Ive missed you so much., He smiles, closing his eyes. I would follow you around and write an entirely new magazine just for Supergirl., Kara laughs. Her head snaps to the door and she tilts it, listening. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. This moment, for example, showed you a different side of Cat Grant. But there was something about this world that seemed off, not hers. A rope ladder swings from it weightlessly. Im glad youre doing well.. And look where we are. Lena throws her hands in the air, smiling angrily. Hes afraid, Kara. Her identity will be on display for the whole city. Alex hadnt even let Kara fly home to sleep in her own bed. Well, if theres one thing Im good at, its definitely that. He breaks the shell, popping a shard of cookie into his mouth. I am your mother. Fate is against us being together. How dare she speak such rude words to the woman holding a gun that could end her. She was never supposed to die. Her head hangs low, thinking hard about what to do next. Tell Nia that she will make a wonderful hero, that she will help millions and she will be the one they look up to. Kara smiles at this, saddened she will not be able to see Nia blossom into a hero but proud someone will take her place when she leaves. Its a marker, he explains, grabbing his own wrist for emphasis. You dont know how much I want that., Lenas eyes close. 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