False. it is subdivided into meiosis I and meiosis II. C. Interphase involves DNA replication and interkinesis does not. the daughter cells have only half the chromosomes of the parent cell. All of the following are true concerning Down syndrome EXCEPT During which stage of meiosis are the bivalents arranged along the equator? Ed Reschke/Photolibrary/Getty Images. The overall function of meiosis includes all of the following EXCEPT A. gamete production. What part of the blastocyst will develop into the human embryo and eventually into a fetus? fadh2 accepts two electrons to form fad. e. none of the choices are true. 17. separate correctly in meiosis; chromosomal deletions, chromosomal duplications, chromosomal inversions, or chromosomal translocations would occur from failures in homologous chromosomes to align properly during prophase I or from failure during crossing over. d. all of the choices are correct It increases the likelihood that daughter cells contain different genetic material. True or False, sex chromosome aneuploids are better tolerated and have a better chance of producing survivors 4) Select the statement which is true regarding independent assortment. Mitosis uses a diploid (2n) parent cell to form daughter cells containing a haploid number(n) of chromosomes. The value of sexual reproduction is the resulting genetic variation, which provides a species with a greater potential for survival in changing environments. A) 26 During ________, the homologous chromosome pairs independently align themselves at the equator of the cell. The process includes two chromosome divisions and produces four haploid, n cells. the primitive streak occurs in the morula stage of the embryonic development. Meiosis accomplishes all of the following EXCEPT Which of the following statements about the products produced when nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I is true? Which of the following events occurs first during meiosis? Which of the following statements about nondisjunction is FALSE? When the environment changes, then D. egg cell. two daughter cells at completion. A. prophase 1 B. metaphase 2 C. anaphase 2 D.telophase 2 QUESTION 3 What is the next phase? D) All of the choices are true. D) During anaphase I of meiosis, the homologues pairs separate; during anaphase of mitosis, the homologous pairs stay together. Which of the following is not a characteristic of homologous chromosome? It is carried out in all tissues that require cell replacement. Species X reproduces asexually by fission and species Y reproduces sexually. the notochord develops in which stage of embryonic development? Normal, because they have a normal amount of genetic material, Pair the disease with its chromosomal abnormality Meiosis I DNA replication precedes the start of meiosis I. Prophase I. usually an exchange of material between nonhomologous chromosomes. Which of the following is/are true about sexual reproduction? The polar body is . Verified Answer for the question: [Solved] Meiosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT A) gametogenesis. Tags: Question 28 . Only one of the four daughter cells becomes a functional gamete in spermatogenesis. D) 24. What is the importance of crossing-over? Which statement is NOT true about homologues in meiosis 1, Each homologues centromere splits to form two chromosomes, homologus chromosomes align on the equator during which phase, The cell formed through fertilization of an egg by a sperm is called a. which trisomies are the ones that survives to term? Meiosis I. Meiosis is preceded by an interphase consisting of the G 1, S, and G 2 phases, which are nearly identical to the phases preceding mitosis. luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers ovulation in females. A) two daughter cells at completion A primary spermatocyte has 64 chromosomes. decrease in LH, increase in progesterone, corpus luteum present, secretory uterine lining, in the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and urine is the, A functional advantage of having human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen is. The incidence of Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, increases with increasing maternal age. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. (E) Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate in meiosis I. D) Meiosis is not a necessary component of the animal life cycle. Which of the following statements about the process of meiosis is correct_____ A. Homologous chromosome association occurs before chromosome duplication. C. ocyte. Meiosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis. a. the cell cycle halts e. only B and C are correct. False. The cell formed through fertilization of an egg by a sperm is called a/an. After meiosis II, each spermatid would have 16 chromosomes. Which stage would show the development of the ectoderm and endoderm germ layers? When the environment changes, then A. species X and Y will have an equal chance of surviving. If a cell contains 12 chromosomes at the end of meiosis I, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells contain at the end of meiosis II? It begins around the second week of embryonic development and involves the formation of the three germ layers - the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm - which give rise to all of the body's organs and tissues. Which is NOT true about daughter cells of mitosis or meiosis? T/F Duplications and deletions can be detected during meiosis by the presence of extrachromosomal loops that do not pair properly with their homolog. C) fertilization All Rights Reserved. B. Homologous chromosomes separate and go to different daughter cells. Meiosis occurs during gametogenesis, oogenesis, and spermatogenesis. The ovaries, oviducts, and uterus are very small and underdeveloped. The correct number of chromosomes in a species is known as aneuploidy. Q. The mechanics of meiosis II is similar to mitosis, except that each dividing cell has only one set of homologous chromosomes. D. Klinefelter syndrome. B. E) Neither A, B, or C. All of the above involve mitosis. In meiosis, there are four daughter cells. e A and B only, The function of mitosis is A. prophase I B. metaphase II C. anaphase II D. prophase II E. metaphase I, At which stage of meiosis is each chromosome composed of a single chromatid? Which of the following statements is true about the life cycle of animals? c.) the nuclear envelope disappears. E) anaphase II. This statement is: - True Describe the main differences between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I in meiosis. Monosomy occurs when an individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome. The S phase is the second phase of interphase, during which the DNA of the chromosomes is replicated. They have a low posterior hairline and neck webbing. A. 8 C. 12 D. 16 E. 24. At the leptotene stage the chromosomes appear as long, thin threads. offspring inherit essentially 50% of their genes from each parent, but two sibling offspring may share with each other from zero to 23 chromosomes in common from each parent, and further variation may occur due to crossing-over. Which of the following events occurs during prophase I but does not occur during prophase of mitosis? Only one of the four daughter cells becomes a functional gamete in spermatogenesis. B. oogenesis. The species is probably going extinct. Just like in mitosis, during prophase, DNA condensation occurs, the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear, and the spindle starts to form. A. prophase I B. anaphase I C. telophase I D. prophase II E. anaphase II. During metaphase of mitosis the duplicated chromosomes are at the metaphase plate while during metaphase I of meiosis the bivalents are present at the metaphase plate. C. providing genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms. During which phase of mitosis and meiosis will the state of the chromosome be the same? A) The haploid phase can be larger than the diploid phase. the egg is propelled down the uterine tube by, uterine tube cilia and tubular muscle contractions, Fertilization in humans normally occurs in the, the hormone produced by cells around the embryo that maintains the corpus luteum and pregnancy is called. C) Crossing over is a source of genetic variability seen in meiosis . c. spermatogenesis Normal human sperm and eggs are similar in which one of the following respects? Sex chromosome aneuploids are better tolerated and have a better chance of producing survivors. during which stage of meiosis does homologue separation occur? Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis. B. oogenesis. They may carry different alleles for a trait. B) reduction of chromosome number (from 2n to n). C. pangenesis. D. It increases chromosome condensation. " During prophase I, homologous chromosomes pair and form synapses, a step unique to meiosis" (The Biology Project, 1997b, para 2). Interkinesis is different from interphase in which way? T/F In order to create the possibility of generating a trisomy, nondisjunction must occur during meiosis II. Which of the following is NOT true about daughter cells of mitosis or meiosis? A prophase B. anaphase C. C. Spermatogenesis in males results in four functional sperm while oogenesis in females results in only one egg and three structures that contain genetic information that is lost when they disintegrate. Oogenesis always involves an equal division of cell contents in the formation of an egg and polar bodies. All Rights Reserved. The gametes are the diploid phase of the life cycle. A. In telophase I of meiosis, the following events occur: The spindle fibers continue to move the homologous chromosomes to the poles. The endpoints of the interval are associated with the points PPP and QQQ on the graph of the function. Identify which event will occur during Prophase I of meiosis but does not occur during prophase of mitosis. 3. The two chromosomes contain the same genes, but may have different forms of the genes. A. Which of the following are the critical checkpoints during interphase? b. independent assortment in metaphase 1 of meiosis (3) Domestication by man. C. The products of the haploid phase of the life cycle are larger than those of the diploid phase. A) They nurse the egg as it leaves the follicle. Before the time of Gregor Mendel and genetics, sexual reproduction was thought to produce a blending or equal mixing of the parents' traits. In human females, when is meiosis II completed? Which of the following is a true statement concerning meiosis in males and females? Question 11: Upon receiving a growth signal, all of the following events occur to release the G2 checkpoint EXCEPT: - D. cyclin - CDK enters the nucleus. In metaphase individual chromosomes (pairs of chromatids) line up along the equator; During anaphase the sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles The G1 phase is the first gap phase. Explain. C. Sister chromatids separate during anaphase II while homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I. D. The cell undergoing anaphase II is genetically different from what it contained while undergoing anaphase I. Why is crossing-over important? b. the production of gametes is known as gametogensis D. This is probably an asexual organism attempting to mimic sexual reproduction. It is only during Metaphase II and Metaphase that the state of the chromosomes is the same. True or False, binary fission in bacteria differs from mitosis because E) penis. B) immediately after the sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte Which statement is NOT true about homologues in meiosis I? a. A. the gametophyte can be larger than the diploid generation B. they use sexual reproduction to produce new offspring C. they use meiosis in order to produce the gametes D. they will have a haploid and diploid phase of the life cycle, Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction Practice Exam. In meiosis, the reduction from 2n to n is accomplished by sister chromatids splitting apart and migrating to opposite daughter cells. For the following pairs of elements, identify which element would be expected to be more electronegative. It could be said that males are able to provide gametes with more genetic diversity than females for reproduction. it can be used to generate new spermatogonia. D) Genetic variation among sexually reproducing organisms is enhanced by meiosis. There is no such reduction in ploidy level in mitosis. What is the probable evolutionary mechanism for this occurring? a segment of the chromosome is duplicated, What is an example of evolution by gene duplication, evolution of the global genes from myoglobin, t/f: CNVs are a part of normal genomic variation, a segment of the chromosome is turned 180 degrees, paracentric inversions result in what products, pericentric inversions result in what products, which inversion is unstable so the risk of abnormal offspring is low, which inversion is viable depending on the size of the segments involved, segmental duplications involve how many base pairs, How does change in gene dose effect phenotype, What is the second most common form of genetic mental retardation, constrictions on a chromosome, areas where a chromosome is pinched in, elongated facial features, huge testes, large protruding ears, Trinucleotide repeat mutation is in what gene, Trinucleotide repeat mutation increases in _________ meiosis but is stable/decreases in __________ meiosis, intermediate repeat number classification, not affected but unstable, could eventually expand to premutation and then full mutation, pre-mutation repeat number classification, carrier and at risk for expansion in next generation females, full mutation repeat number classification, gene is methylated and inactive; confirms diagnosis of fragile X, both premutation (unmethylated) and full mutation present (methylated), can the severity of symptoms of mosaic repeat number classification be predicted, usually trims followed by loss of one chromosome early in development, what is an example of uniparental disomy in imprinting, is it rare for a triploidy to survive to birth, a study of a large number of people over a period of time, Why were people pakistani in the born in bradford study, because they have a history of mating between relatives and its common for them to have diabetes, Unit 4: Cell Communication & Cell Cycle Ap Bi, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, WSU Bio 107 Section 3 Pre-Exam and Daily Quiz. Which of the following would not contribute to genetic variation? Animal cells form a cell plate during cytokinesis while plant cells do not, What is the result of a cell not meeting the criteria to pass the G1 checkpoint? B) They carry the same alleles for all traits. C) telophase I Jacobs syndrome, XYY, results from nondisjunction during spermatogenesis. D. the cell produced when fertilization occurs. 14. E) metaphase I, At which stage of meiosis is each chromosome composed of a single chromatid? . D. spermatogenesis. e.) the spindle is or One main reason would be: A. Select all that apply. B) They orient the sperm toward the egg. They nurse the egg as it leaves the follicle. (C) Spindle fibers are attached to the centriole. (d) Hope. Homologous chromosomes are similar in size, carry genes for the same traits, and are similar in shape and centromere location. D Interkinesis can be variable in length. We would therefore expect to find 56 chromosomes in the skin cell of an elephant. C) Meiosis produces four identical gametes, either egg or sperm. B. Explain. down syndrome with ______________________, ____________ results in the mildest symptoms, a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is sampled from the amniotic sac, A tiny tissue sample is taken from the villi of the chorion, Which has a higher miscarriage rate, CVS or amniocentesis, Which test can be done sooner, CVS or amniocentesis, principles of fetal trisomy 21 testing from a maternal blood sample using DNA sequencing, Partial translocations in what disorder allow us to map locations of parts of the disorder. D) Interkinesis can be variable in length. Identify the correct statement amongst the following: 1. the disintegration of the endometrium and the rupturing of the blood vessels. No fertilization can occur, and the eggs develop into female lizards. All are functional. D. Homologues exchange genetic material between non-sister chromatids. which of the following statements about sexual reproduction is not true? A change in the chromosome number resulting from nondisjunction is called euploidy. D. It is the first stage of mitosis. by uneven crossing over during meiotic prophase. In preparation for meiosis, a germ cell goes through interphase, during which the entire cell (including the genetic material contained in the nucleus) undergoes replication. d) the resulting cells contain 23 chromosomes. A) anaphase II and anaphase C. providing genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms. they allow a reduction in chromosomes while preserving most of the cytoplasm for one egg. Oogenesis always involves an equal division of cell contents in the formation of an egg and polar bodies. CLICK HERE FOR ANSWER In humans, body (or somatic) cells are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes (one from each parent). (1) Property of producing large number of seeds. E. All of the choices are true. The correct option is D All of the above In sexually reproducing organisms, the new organism is formed by the union of cells from the mother and the father. Where in the human male does spermatogenesis occur? b. the chromosome is a simple DNA strand without complex proteins and no spindle forms B. Based on this information, erythrocytes, leave the cell cycle in a G0 phase, after exiting G1. All of the following are true about the chromosomes of a multicellular organism EXCEPT: Consider that all other relevant characteristics are similar between these species. Which statement is not true about eukaryotic chromosomes? D) the cell produced when fertilization occurs. (4) Power of adaptability in diverse habitat. B. reduction of chromosome number (from 2N to N). No fertilization can occur, and the eggs develop into female lizards. A lattice holds the members of a bivalent together in such a way that the RNA of the nonsister chromatids is aligned. A) Interkinesis occurs after a cell finishes a nuclear division. B) independent assortment in metaphase I of meiosis The genus Lacerta is composed of a species of lizards that are female and do not mate. Find the slope of the secant line in part (a), and interpret your answer in terms of an average rate of change over the interval. Which of the following is/are true about sexual reproduction? B. Which statement is not true about homologous chromosomes in meiosis 1? This is extra chromosomal material representing the X chromosome in each female cell. Sister chromatids line up and separate into individual chromosomes. D) Chromatin will condense into chromosomes. The polar body is A. another name for an egg cell. Gastrulation is the first major process that occurs during prenatal development. anaphase II and Anaphase. HD, Pair the disease with its chromosomal abnormality D) They orient the egg for penetration by the sperm. Spermatogenesis in males result in four functional sperm while oogenesis in females results in only one egg. C) 112 Normal female 2n offspring result without fertilization. It increases the likelihood that daughter cells contain different genetic material. C. zygote. All of the following are true of meiosis in plants EXCEPT (A) Crossing-over occurs during prophase. Meiosis occurs during gametogenesis, oogenesis, and spermatogenesis. Normal female 2n offspring result without fertilization. where r1r_1r1 and r2r_2r2 are growth rates for the two species, k1k_1k1 and k2k_2k2 are the carrying capacity for each species in the absence of the other, and b1b_1b1 and b2b_2b2 measure the competitive effect of each species on the other. B. Animal cell because they have cleavage furrow and plant cells do not. Meiosis is the process by which gametes are produced. All of the following events occur during normal meiosis except _______. &\frac{d x_2}{d t}=r_2 x_2\left(1-\frac{x_2}{k_2}-b_2 \frac{x_1}{k_2}\right) . B) The production of gametes is known as gametogenesis. Which statement is NOT true about homologous chromosomes in meiosis I? C) the process of crossing-over It is nevertheless necessary for two females to court and for one to assume the posture of a male to stimulate the female to produce eggs. ; Once movement is complete, each pole has a haploid number of chromosomes. D. Sperm that contain a recombination of genes are usually more successful in fertilizing an egg. C. Crossing over occurs. There is a species of desert lizard where only females are known to exist-there are no males known. B. the inclusion of the centromere in the inversion, Which of the following terms can be used to describe Down syndrome? Which term specifically refers to the gain of extra chromosome sets from individuals of the same species? Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis. The S phase is the second phase of interphase, during which the DNA of . D. Sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis I. growth of the overall individual. Meiosis I. Meiosis is preceded by an interphase consisting of the G 1, S, and G 2 phases, which are nearly identical to the phases preceding mitosis. D similar in shape and location of the centromere. b. oogenesis d. all of the above B. a precursor cell that becomes an egg cell. C)spermatogenesis. C) pangenesis. It provides extra genetic material for the daughter cells. Dogs have 39 chromosome pairs. True or False. 3 B. B) a precursor cell that becomes an egg cell. asexual reproduction produces variation that allows the species to adapt quickly to changing environmental conditions, A modification of sexual reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a complete individual. After penetration of the sperm in the zona, the zona reaction occurs, making the zone impermeable to other sperm. 16. If a parent cell has 48 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis and cytokinesis occurs? Which of the following statements is correct about the chromosomal position during mitosis and meiosis? Which of the following is not a characteristic of homologous chromosomes? C) Meiosis occurs only in stem cells while mitosis can occur in any of the body's cells. B. bivalent. interphase involves DNA replication and interkinesis does not, meiosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT E. They orient the egg for penetration by the sperm. When a sperm and an egg join in fertilization, the two haploid sets of chromosomes form a complete diploid set: a new genome. One main reason would be. A. No fertilization can occur, and the eggs develop into female lizards. C) providing genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms. Which of the following is the correct order of movement of substances through the large intestine? c. fertilization D) testes In meiosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical. A. Homologous chromosomes pair to form a tetrad. a structure that holds together homologues during crossing-over. cross-over occurs during prophase I. there is no replication of chromosomes between meiosis I and meiosis II. A. CompetingSpecies\text{\red{Competing Species}}CompetingSpecies A Lotka-Volterra model in which two species compete for the same source of food (as in Exercise 9) can be described by the system of differential equations, dx1dt=r1x1(1x1k1b1x2k1)dx2dt=r2x2(1x2k2b2x1k2).\begin{aligned} 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. in plants, spindle fibers are attached to the centriole. Which of the following is NOT a difference between anaphase I and anaphase II? Figure 1. A) gamete production. DNA replication occurs once prior to mitosis and twice prior to meiosis. Match the following group of organisms with their respective distinctive characteristics and select the correct option : It could be said that males are able to provide gametes with more genetic diversity than females for reproduction. carry the same alleles for all traits. in what process does fertilized egg undergo cell division without further growth? a) Homologous chromosomes separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell b) Sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell c) Chromosomes decondense d) Synapsis of homologous chromosomes e) Pairs of homologous chromosomes align along the equatorial plate. Which does NOT occur in meiosis? Which statement is true about the life cycle of plants but not of animals? Atweeks, the fetal heartbeat can be first be heard through a stethoscope, A healthy fetus born at twenty-four weeks has a chance of surviving although it may have, immature lungs and breathing difficulties, The human embryo becomes a fetus at the end of the second month of gestation can nonreciprocal translocation be balanced, an even exchange of material with no genetic information extra or missing, and ideally full functionality, where the exchange of chromosome material is unequal resulting in extra or missing genes. &\frac{d x_1}{d t}=r_1 x_1\left(1-\frac{x_1}{k_1}-b_1 \frac{x_2}{k_1}\right) \\ body parts being shaped and patterned into a specific form. Which of the following is/are true about sexual reproduction? Prior to each mitotic division, a copy of every . (a). Find f(x)f (x)f(x) and V(x, y). C) They use meiosis in order to produce the gametes. There are two main types of cell divisions: meiosis and mitosis. It is not true that only one of the four daughter cells becomes a functional gamete in spermatogenesis. have the same amount of DNA and the same number of chromosomes as all other cells of the organism and develop from the same basic stem cells. Discuss the epidemiology of poliomyelitis, rabies, and arboviral encephalitis, including mode of transmission, etiology, and disease symptoms. Identify which event will occur during Prophase I of meiosis but does not occur during prophase of mitosis. Which of the following is NOT a difference between anaphase I and anaphase II? Monosomy occurs when an individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome. If a sperm cell contains 8 chromosomes, it comes from an animal that has ______ chromosomes. B) structures that hold the chromosomes in alignment on the metaphase plate The polar body is A. another name for an egg cell centromere in the number of.. During Normal meiosis EXCEPT _______ of an egg cell appear as long, thin threads occur: the is!, and disease symptoms to mitosis, the reduction from 2n to n.. ) Crossing-over occurs during gametogenesis, meiosis occurs during all of the following except, and spermatogenesis chromosome be the same of substances through the intestine... Encephalitis, including mode of transmission, etiology, and disease symptoms accomplished sister... Cell replacement type of chromosome number ( n ) of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during II... Points PPP and QQQ on the graph of the life cycle of?..., a copy of every a bivalent together in such a way that the RNA of the cell cycle e.. They carry the same genes, but may have different forms of centromere. Because They have a low posterior hairline and neck webbing DNA replication occurs Once to... An egg cell cells are genetically identical mitosis or meiosis on the plate. 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