I do need to ask you something Clay. Clay locked eyes with him, hesitation clearly evident in his stare. The threat from within Bravo has been growing, but it is not the only threat that Clay is facing. They had obviously heard their brother in pain before, but it never got any easier and no one wanted to be the cause of that pain. Set in season 1 before Clay joins the team. Disclaimer: I do not own Seal Team or any of its characters. When the lines in the sand are drawn, just what side will the men of Bravo stand on? Kid. Trent would be on him in a flash if he started to lick his lips and he wanted to put this stupid OP to bed as soon as he could. Of course, Clay replied trying to keep the wobble out of his voice. Clay is attacked by unknown assailants outside a bar, and the encounter changes his life completely. A collection of smutty holiday one shots. If you want to keep an eye on him, rack out on my couch. Jason wheeled the kid to his truck and got him settled in the back, unsurprised when four cars followed him to his house. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Standing from his seat, Ray made his way to the coffee pot in the corner of the room and jerked his head at Trent. And no one can confirm that there were only three shots fired? a nameless general asked. Jason was flipping through the papers of his AAR, but every now and then he thought that he was glancing his direction, but every time he looked to him his gaze was focused on his reports. Alright Trent, do your worst. His stomach chose that moment to seize and he clutched his abdomen, trying to not writhe in pain on the floor. Im not crying, why do you look like you want to cry?. The implication was clear that he wasnt taking care of his brother and Sonny resented that assumption, they were past that now. The pooch was doing an admirable job of not going towards his fallen brother, but if Clay started howling in pain all bets were off. He had been late waking up and even later dragging his body through his morning routine. As it was, his stomach wasnt too keen on the idea of getting into a car and driving to base, but it had to be done regardless of whether Clay wanted to or not. Up. What happens with him, his friends, his family, and his new family have to deal with more than they ever thought possible? That had to be clean, right? There is one person though that won't let Emma become Ash's next victim, Clay. He was hot, but the sweat that was beading on his forehead was cold as it dripped into his eyes. Any respect he had gained towards the kid was gone immediately. Bravo returns from the Philippines and Clay and Sonny can finally meet. Are you okay? There was no need to describe how many shots I was firing as the mission unfolded. Will Clay be able to return to Bravo after the events of 6x01 and his serious injury? In fact, he was expecting you to do the same., Jason blew out another breath. Clay glanced down at the street through the camera Bravo had set up in their hiding spot on the balcony the night before. No way, Cerb and I will take good care of him, besides he likes to cuddle when he doesnt feel well. Clay threw Jason a few apprehensive glances which were quickly met with eyes full of anger. Jason chanced a quick glance to the side to see Clay looking up at him with obvious fear. Dont be too hard on the kid, Jase. Only this time the threat lives within his mind. Clay was propped up, multiple IVs running, a pink basin on his lap. Clay was utterly shocked by Jasons words. A surprising amount of religious references? Clay is attacked by unknown assailants outside a bar, and the encounter changes his life completely. Sonny, Trent and Clay might have finally figured themselves out, but they still need a little more time to relax into things first. Jason has a surprise.Chapter 13: Clay goes through the CPO initiation. Alright kid, I get it, youre not crying. 3. Sonny put his hand on Clay's forehead which was hot. I'll let you decide for yourself who her actual favorite is :). It didnt matter that he had no control over the issue as hand, Bravo team would manage to spin the story somehow. If you had just heard him out, you would have realized that.. Blackburn is still struggling with losing Metal and talks to someone who knows exactly what he's going through, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (361), (All Messed up) Like The Sheets Where We Made Love, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, for someone who happily married their high school sweet heart, Trent Sawyer & Original Female Character(s), Bravo Team Ensemble & Scott Carter (SEAL Team TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), strapped to my chest, you heart is beating fast, More tags will be added as the story develops, Brock Reynolds/Original Female Character(s), you can hear your soulmate's voice in your head. Clay & Emma are already dating and have told Bravo. She is the perfect way to get back at Jason for every hateful and disrespectful word he ever said to him. Nope, Ive got tramadol. A stomach bug was seeming more and more likely, but the way that Clay was grabbing his belly wasnt sitting well with him. With Clays track record, it was hardly a blip on the radar. Jason isnt about to lose Clay, not when he had finally found his true mate. Im sorry for interrupting, sir., Clay, it is necessary. Bravo Team's beginning to see that. They stood in silence for a moment, but something wouldnt stop niggling in the back of Rays mind. Why didnt you tell anyone man?. There, Clay said through gritted teeth. If Clay was truly not feeling well, hed eat the bagel, or at the very least pick at it. Four team members are selected to check in, Clay and Sonny, Trent and Full Metal. Will he want to return? And that message was sent about forty-five minutes ago, if they hurried they would make it in time to see Clay in recovery. If only they knew. Please consider turning it on! But I need to get sand out of the wound." Trent said Then Trent stitched the wound, applied antibiotic cream on it and covered it with a bandage. They were all waiting as patiently as they could, Sonny had found a new toothpick, Brock was petting Cerberus, and Ray had found some sort of magazine that caught his interest, but Jason couldnt settle. When SG-1 gets caught in the cross-hairs its SG DEV Group to the rescue with a little help from Seal Team Bravo.Slightly AU cross over as the timelines differ. Clay and Liz were the youngest members of Bravo and some of the most unlucky and stubborn people the team knew. I was with them the entire time, he couldnt have gotten something extra. Intel turned out to be solid. Emma wants to go skydiving, Clay agrees. I love Full Metal (Like seriously, what a highly qualified dork!) If that wasnt hard enough to hide, he was an omega. The idea just wouldnt leave me.The team still is getting used to their rookie and Clay is still too unsure of his position with the team to drop the attitude and open up a little. I saw Samir was wearing an S-Vest and took the shot. Stella crouched down in front of him smiling, gently stroking his hair. It didnt matter the kid supposedly spoke the local dialects. Trent just grimaced and sucked in a big breath before pressing down on Clays stomach and releasing, preparing himself for the scream that tore out of Clays throat. He doesnt need anymore weight on his shoulders., He can take a hit. It is made worse when he discovers that he has been stabbed. What's happened to Jason?Chapter 14: Jason is preparing Clay to be Bravo 1. I dont want to take his meds, Clay said despite the large amount of pain he was in. This Sunday in SEAL Team 's midseason premiere, Clay enlisted a colleague to help be Bravo 1's "swim buddy," Sonny found assorted ways to deal with his anger issues, and Stella eventually. Life was meant to be full of good. And one not all of them will come back from. Whats this. Jason let out a breath before moving to do identifications on Abu Samir, but not before he shot Clay another glare. left kudos on this work! Roger. He realized something was not right. Are we clear?. It was the teams job to bring anything medical to his attention, but an even bigger job that they had all undertaken was reporting anything unusual about Clay. He wants it off, it comes off, Jason stated plainly from the corner. a food handler who is throwing out garbage in an outdoor dumpster must. Enough. Will include the guys from Supernatural, Transformers, the Avengers, CSI's and NCIS's, The LOTR/ the Hobbits Trilogy, and Celebs. spa europa. Now that he knew what this was, he could treat it appropriately. Clay gets hurt badly while saving Sonny. . What? SEALS were well known for taking care of their own, and if they didnt cause any problems, she was more than happy to turn the stubborn mans care over to his brother. Granted most of it was about him and he knew better than to chime in, but it was something to focus on at least. So, in other words, not nearly enough to make him vomit the next morning, Ray proposed, swiping his hand over his forehead. A little smut because who doesn't love a little smut. It was what he poured his heart and soul into training for. Clay could not be more relieved when the bird touched down. He tightened his grip on his rifle as he turned the corner leading into the room, knowing that the HVT must be close based on Jasons yells for someone to raise their hands. Alcohol, Appendicitis, and Anesthesia, Oh My! Really its nothing. Clay quickly rose to his feet. Will it be as low-risk as promised? This doesnt mean anything as far as your selection. A/N: So, I recently fell into yet another wormhole and binged the first two seasons of SEAL team in less time than I should have used to watch it. When a simple mission goes wrong, the team has to leave their little brother and sister behind, and it's a race to get to them in time, or will they live with the regret of their decisions? At the very least they were neglecting his wellbeing. Clays shoulder is bleeding pretty badly. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", What if Clay had been injured on his first mission with Bravo? How clay and Emma met set 12 months before Clay tells Jason in sideways. Please consider turning it on! Will he want to return? . When a simple mission goes wrong, the team has to leave their little brother and sister behind, and it's a race to get to them in time, or will they live with the regret of their decisions? Which is how he tells the story of how he got to be a SEAL. Ill get the book to go with em., Trent, Jason sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He doesnt want anyone pitying him, Ray admonished, knowing that he didnt have to explain further to Trent. Either way, the man drank like a fish and it would be several days before Clay would be able to look at a beer without wanting to vomit. When we were on Team 3, Clay damn near bled out cause he hid two gunshot wounds so that the mission could continue until he passed out on the exfil helo. SEAL Team: Clay was shot after a guard spotted the gun in his hand (Image: PARAMOUNT ) Unbeknownst to Clay, however, a security guard spotted the altercation and when Clay turned with the. Maybe someone would finally take him seriously after this spinup, as long as he didnt die in the process. Shut. pure sexy girl. Plus, he was a SEAL. I might get in less trouble that way. The nurse poked her head in again, but when she saw that they were all calmly sitting around a sleeping mans bedside, she let them be, not much she could do until he was ready to come out of the anesthesia. He would run hills then. Get him to apologize and hear you out. Ray wrapped his arm around Clays shoulders and was surprised to feel a sticky liquid. This day needed to be over already and it was only 0800. Clay could still feel the blood rolling down his back once he got the bandage secured as best as he could, but it would have to work for now. Mwesterfeld1985, I_Eat_Universes, Keiler, WolfCub_1695, ghostwriter_44, Claire_cz, black9925, TayMcsizzle, myfallfromgrace, melly_k, Black_Acid_Rain, Akita12, BookObessed, whispering_willowing_wisps, fislan, belindavalentinebite, FuffledSheep, november_1, The_Dark_Padfoot, Kalinimo, SilverTonguedSlytherin1, Katliyah, Kseniya_chan, Corrie001, Sita22, Frostylurv, Laurier, LuaReid, ItsYeRunt, FlorDoNorte11, aeroplanejelly, LarienElanesse, Cub22, Kaya_mckay, Efyenna, xerus61, yukipiggy, Northern_Law738, Syvelya, mercy25, clmckeever58, EvieGrey21, StutteredSilence, luzith, Fanfictionlover1101, Misssy14, Bi_disaster_writer, JustMe445, kc451, 911SealTeam2021, and 80 more users Sonny, Clay growled from his position on the floor. Snippets of Clay and Emma's future together. Three beers, Sonny had more than me last night, he got out quickly, turning on his side to heave into the garbage pail again. And tears streaming down his face. Lets go finish this, Ill explain to Blackburn before the big wigs get their panties in a twist, Jason retorted, clapping Ray on the shoulder as he passed to the briefing room. What will this mean for Sonny and Davis? Im guessing all you have is morphine, and Im allergic to that so. "How's Delta?" with care, he kept his tone neutral. He was in no mood to try and deal with his smug attitude. Guys have done a lot worse. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. You did the right thing. He could not believe what he just saw. Summary: Clay's first op with Bravo as a Strap did not go well. Clay moaned loudly as he tried to hide the pain, roughly blowing air out trough his gritted teeth. Or so he claimed. green cbd gummies uk. I told you to stay out of the tunnel. Bravo One, Sierra Hotel One, do you copy? Still no response. Come on, Blondie. Ray had the same thought, Jason reluctantly said with a minute nod of his head before once again heading in the kids direction as Blackburn walked into the room. Trent didnt answer, instead moving his glove covered hands across his abdomen. Clay debated for a moment before deciding that having their six meant investigating the noise. Clay and Emma are asleep on the couch." Jason tells us +. What is the aftermath the team has to deal with, and how will Clay and Liz react to their feelings that seem to surface no matter how much they push them down? Equine Equilibrium He heard the footsteps of Trent and Ray behind him but his main focus was finding a place to vomit in and quickly. But when they arrive at the exfil vehicle, Clay collapses and throws seizure and Trent finds out that Clay was hiding a TBI to do his job as a leader.-Its not a death fic. You didnt have to patch this up by yourself.. The teams were a brotherhood, but it was obvious that most of the guys didnt believe Clay was a part of that mantra. It aint exactly rocket science to put those puzzle pieces together. Sonny spat out, not liking the look of judgement that crossed Rays face. Some dialogue is taken directly from 1x01: Tip of the Spear. Will Tony and those he trust implicitly be able to help those in need or are they destined to fail at every turn? Clay gets hurt badly while saving Sonny. They have spent countless hours pouring over information, chasing leads, and interrogating witnesses; some of which have proved fruitful, but most have been fruitless. 2:23. As soon as he was finished, Trent had him flat on his back while he dug the kit out of his cage. They're still in the van, it must be a van, given how big it is, but now Sonny is with him along with Hayes. Chances are that the kid went down because he was dehydrated from the alcohol, one banana bag ought to do the trick. Life was meant to be enjoyed. Organization for Transformative Works. Clay wasnt surprised at all, however, when he ended up on his back on the tarmac after a hard shove from the Master Chief. I had the situation under control., The kid saw a guy in an S-Vest and took the shot. But it wasnt footsteps that Cerb was hearing, it was someone crying. Not only that, he was one of five apex wolves within the world. Oh, Im sure of it boss, hes gonna need someone to make sure that he gets there and that the dumbasses dont accidentally kill him. Clay watched as Jason shot a look of utter hatred his way, not understanding what he did wrong. not bitching at him. Ray whispered, looking at his two teammates. Yes sir, Master Chief, Clay replied purposely not letting his emotions show through his voice as Jason stormed away, the rest of Bravo quickly following behind. Jase! Ray yelled trying to get his friends attention before the situation got out of hand. He was gonna hurl, soon. When the general looked away, Clay tore off a piece of the bagel and listened as his brothers gave their account of that day and how it was. To say Jason was furious with the situation was an understatement. Bravo team is sent out with a strap to collect an HVT and things go horribly wrong, leaving three of them in the hands of the enemy. What do you mean? Trent said as he finished the last of the stitches and taped down a bandage to keep the area clean, concern evident in his voice. Getting up from his seat, he paced back and forth in front of the doors to the operating room much like he did the day that Emma was delivered. seattle to bremerton ferry schedule. Thats really not necessary, sir, Clay said, immediately going silent once he realized his mistake. Clay keyed his comms one last time desperately hoping for a response. He was feverish, nauseous, likely in a fair bit of pain near his belly button. Outstanding really. Jason turned to walk away, feeling much more satisfied with the relationship he had with Clay but also concerned by what he had learned. Athena Collins was a NCIS federal agent who had to leave her last posting after a betrayal and now she is the NCIS liaison to DEVGRU. A little longer wouldn't hurt, right? Brazil. Everything was as it should be, until Blackburn called him to his office and everything got turned upside down. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Sonny hugs Clay saying that he is safe thanks to him. We loved and we saved you. When an old SEAL team member gets placed on Bravo team, it causes problems for their youngest. After that, all new! He was seemingly calm, so Clay responded after a moment. He was drinking and Trent didnt think that he had vomited yet, maybe they could get ahead of the dehydration. After three months, he shows up at Jasons house. Clay goes missing during the Op. Theres another waiting room we can go to thats a little closer.. Scott 'Full Metal' Carter was having an ordinary day. Second, what do you mean Guys have done a lot worse?. No mistakes, no screwups, Clay mumbled under his breath. Buckley) taken to being a father and his push to have his daughter around full-time, even if we're not quite. The first three chapters have been previously published in other stories. They were closer than brothers and after a night on the town there would usually be some sort of ribbing, typically on when Clay tapped out or which lady friend Sonny had taken home for the evening. " Hey guys, Put the beer in the kitchen but keep the noise down. And just how will the guys react when they discover the huge secret that Jason, Yoder, Full Metal, Blackburn, and Mandy had been keeping from them. I know I'm late to the party, but this is my addition to Whumptober 2020!I plan to update all 31 prompts when I can! Nights out with Sonny Quinn were legendary, and Clay wasnt exactly known for holding his liquor. He wont mind. Clay slowly creeped forward through the tunnel, thinking that they must be too far underground for the comms to get a good signal. It was clear to everyone that Jason was furious with Clay, and nobody wanted to get in the middle of that fight. Guess I was wrong., No, man. By the time Clay had heaved himself into his truck, the steady rumbling of his stomach turned into full on snarls. Clay Spenser wasn't ready for Tier-One work. Clay and Liz were the youngest members of Bravo and some of the most unlucky and stubborn people the team knew. Trent gave Jason a look and he sat down, not wanting the medic to turn his attention on him for the next exam. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Dont know yet boss, looks like someone couldnt hold their drink, havent examined him yet, he said through a mouthful of IV tubing. "Give it to him." It was a no-nonsense order, but that wasn't going to stop Sonny. Jason comes to find he needs to prove to not only Clay, but Emma, that he can be a changed man. Jason was serious though when he said Clay would have to earn his shot on the team. Bravo Six, how many shots did you fire on that particular day?, Clay took his time answering, knowing that all eyes were on him and he couldnt fall into his old habits when he didnt feel well. There is a lot of relatively graphic hurt before we get to the comfort. Jace, Im gonna come out and say it, I think Blondie should come home with me, Sonny said, puffing out his chest. Clay's not coherent and he keeps trying to get up and protect Sonny. Being on Bravo was a dream come true for Clay. Clay attempted to reign his mind back in on the mission at hand by listening to the calm banter around him. , what do you look like you want to cry? set up in hiding... Care of his brother and Sonny, Trent had him flat on his back he. 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