[1], In the Shining Lands of Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden in southeast Faern, Selne was known as Lucha, She Who Guides. She was followed by those who were lost and those who were questing. Im definitely gonna hit up the tvtropes website and read all the bits and bobs on there. A pendant with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Their duties were similar but distinct. [9] Then she was remote and weighed down by sadness at defeats and tragedies, even those that happened long, long ago. A wall engraved with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement). Selne's temple is a grand temple built of large marble blocks. Consumed with bitterness and loneliness, she vowed revenge and lurked in the darkness until her time to strike. The goddess, now freed, used her own life force to imprison the monsters inside a pocket dimension within a moonstone, now known as Selne's Eye. Sehanine unveils the next step through dreams and visions revealed during the elven reverie. One order of fanatic Selunites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the Lunatics. Alias(es) [4] Selnite temples were often adjoined by asylums and sanitariums, the residents of which the clergy cared for. Selune is served by the Shards, a group of shining female servitors. The one constant was her eternal conflict with Shar. She bade the faithful to encourage and exemplify acceptance, equality and equal access, tolerance, and understanding; to treat all other beings as equals; and to make all welcome in the faith. [7] However, Selne often provided her priests with temporary powers or spells to help them achieve the missions she gave them. The words of Selune, which all novices were charged with. Selunite clergy embroider their rituals into quite individual, unique observances. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. [2][3][4], The goddess taught guidance through observation of the heavens[4] and that life changed like the moon waxed and waned. [7] These habits kept the clergy well-traveled, resilient, and in touch with the natural world in a practical manner. Empowered, Luna transformed into a true avatar of Selne. [1][4] It was a jumble of clerics and specialty priests, crusaders and mystics, and blessed or well-informed lay worshipers. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Meanwhile, Shar, who'd retained much of her might, once again grew strong, and was aided by the shadevari. One lost center of Selunite worship is Myth Lharast in the heart of Amn, one of the legendary cities surrounded by a mythal. Forgetting who she really was, Luna was reinvented as a faithful servant of Selne and a member of the Lunatics, a fanatic Selnite order. They were fearless and did all they could to uncover, cure, or eliminate the affliction of lycanthropy. This crept away from the altar to touch or envelop whatever the goddess chose, in turn enchanting items, empowering the faithful, and destroying undead. [4][5] Her name was shared by the moon of Toril, Selne;[3] it was unknown if the moon was named for the goddess or the goddess for the moon. [2][3][5] This could be just a simple solitary night-time walk under the moonlight, hence its name. It was theorized by some theologians that Selne had engineered this, to ensure the Tear was present during the terrible events, but, if true, her reasons were unknown. Honestly, I used a lot of Sailor Moon inspiration for my man and it turned out great. [30], Following the Godswar of 1358 DR, Selne and Sune parted on good terms and Selne was free to do as she willed again. The war between the sisters would go on forever more, with battles both large and small, obvious and subtle, but life struggled and flourished on the worlds, watched over by Chauntea. NOPE. [37] Their infiltration of the temple culminated in a battle with the Lunatics. If watched over time, her appearance seemed to grow to full radiance or to age and fade away, in keeping with the waxing or waning of the moon. The sailors of Thentia took this very seriously. [50], Her true identity unknown to the clergy, Luna was kept as a prisoner at the House of the Moon, completely under the control of the false Selne,[51] who used her stolen identity to confuse Luna and make her doubt herself. [1][2][6], In the Shining Lands, where Selne was known as Lucha, the city of Lastarr was a hub of her faith. [35]) In time, Selne coalesced from the primordial essence, alongside her twin sister, Shar. They ranged from simple shrines, such as those in the Dalelands and oft in the wilderness, to amazing opulent temples like the House of the Moon in Waterdeep. [1][2][3][4][6][7] Common features were feminine symbols, small gardens, and reflecting ponds. Together, they created from the cosmic ether Abeir-Toril and the other heavenly bodies and infused these worlds with life. Her church's main objective is to fight evil lycanthropes and summon the Shards, blue-haired female planetar servants of Selne, to battle the minions of her archnemesis and twin, Shar. [5], Avatars of Selne most often wandered the Outer Planes, seeking out magical lore or an advantage to help her destroy Shar once and for all. Sehanine Moonbow is the elven goddess of death, dreams, heavens, journeys, moon (full moon to be precise), moon elves, stars, and transcendence as well as the most powerful female member of the Seldarine. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] This was typically carved into or out of moonstone and fashioned into an item of jewelry. [1][4][5][25] In this form, she guided travelers lost in the night or journeying over hazardous terrain, and came to shine for her faithful when light was needed for a delicate action. Additionally, you learn the dimension door spell and can cast it once per long rest. [36] Witnessing the battle, Naneatha began to question the false Selne, who soon revealed her murderous intent. The only other symbol of office is a staff wound about with vines and flowers. Self-reliance and finding ones own, practical path are more important than fussy detail in her faith, and so Selune is also gaining favor among eccentrics, adventurers, and mavericks of all sorts, including outcasts. [30] Famously, Selne battled Shar over the streets of Waterdeep. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Very sad, please get it for me and be the Guardian of Light for Selune. A simple depiction of the goddess was of a woman's face on the disc of the moon. One was a dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs; perfect and exquisite beauty; wide, radiant, lime-green eyes; and long, ivory-hued hair that fell to her knees. They were commonly called Selnites. The Lunar Lady, Daughter of the Night Skies, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams. The Dark Moon heresy was the belief that Selne and Shar were two aspects of the same deity. Members of this diverse group all worship the goddess in their own styles. If you wish to submit an images to this site, please contact us. Most of these images were created by this website, and are meant for PERSONAL USE only (if you wish to use these images for commercial purposes, please contact us). [4], She typically manifested as trails of dancing motes of light, similar to will-o'-wisps, commonly called "moondust" or "moon motes", which could shed moonlight where there should be none. The greatest and most beautiful temple to Selune is the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where Priestess of the High Moonlight (or to the uninitiated, simply High Priestess) Naneatha Suaril holds court in a gilt-domed temple whose ornate new gates depict Selune triumphantly hurling Shar down into the spires of Waterdeep as the faithful say she did during the Time of Troubles. [2][3], In battle, Selnites preferred a certain kind of mace they called "the Moon's Hand". [1][4][6][7][9][57][58] Outside the Realms, she was on good terms with Celestian, Hermes, and Soma, gods of other worlds. He survived, but continually tried and failed to rescue Vajra. Many sages expect Selune to rise again to great might among the powers, perhaps within their lifetimes. Its members are led by a few Selunite crusaders, specialty priests, and mystics. While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][9][60][61], Her other great foes were Mask, for the mischief and wickedness he made in the shadows formed by her moon's light at night; Umberlee, over the fates of ships at sea; and the rotting god Moander. [54], When the city of Zhentil Keep in the Moonsea lands was ruined by the mad god Cyric's actions in the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the sacred Tear of Selne and the Seekers who found it were reported to have been in the city at the time. She foretold certain signs and sent him into the midst of a vicious battle between the old Catlord and the god Malar, the Beastlord, to rescue the kittenlord from Duum's grasp. [2] In the time of Netheril, however, the spellcasting clergy were only silverstars. Relationships Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. Erro, Tiefling Cleric of Selune. Others who labored by night at honest work prayed to her for similar reasons. With divine guidance, they were more successful than ordinary folk. [3] Contents Origin Followers' treatment by the deities Appendix Appearances References Origin Her spells all had a similar appearance, beginning as streaks of moonbeams and only revealing their true effect when they struck. [64][note 6], She was served specially by the Shards, a band of unique planetars of shining aspect. [4][5] These moon motes occasionally exuded a radiant, sparkling, pearly-hued liquid known as "drops fallen from the moon", which was the holy essence of Selne and was prized by the faithful. Not to stroke too much to Sailor Moon but Selune kinda also follows the fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight mantra. They fought constantly in all realms of existence, across the sky at night and in other planes, waged through their mortal followers and their servitor beings, and in person. Selune's clerics often multiclass as bards, silverstars, or sorcerers. [4][9] These shifting personalities made her versatile. Powerless, Luna fell victim to the Rod of Oblivion. [2][4][7][note 5], Suiting the changeable and individual nature of both church and goddess, the holy sites of Selne varied across the land. tall youthful, ageless, female elf in a diaphanous gown, made of moonbeams. Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, the Night White Lady, Symbol: Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars When Selune (Seh-LOON-eh) journeys to the Realms, she is said to appear in many forms and is depicted in religious art as everything from a female face on a lunar disk to a dusky-skinned woman with wide, radiant eyes and long ivory-colored hair to a matronly, middle-aged woman whose dark hair is streaked with gray. Priests of Selune spend their time wandering Faerun reaching out to the faithful and to potential worshipers of the moon goddess, since Selune can be worshiped anywhere on the surface world. Many of Faerun's residents live according to the dictates of the night sky, and hence Selne boasts a highly diverse body of worshipers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good and neutral-aligned lycanthropes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking Though disturbing to mainstream churches, the tieflings argued these visions meant the heart and soul meant more to the gods than appearance and bloodline.)[72]. Desiring to nurture life on the worlds that formed her body and limbs, Chauntea asked the Two-Faced Goddess for warmth. A rock painted with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. The fragile, eternal balance Lord Ao has charged us gods to uphold. The Conjuring of the Second Moon is performed only during Shieldmeet. [9][15][16] Other clergy could be druids and rangers. [51] At last, Vajra convinced Luna of the truth of her identity, and they realized that the false Selne was in fact Shar in disguise! They would heal or help them if they could, or else escort them to the closest Selnite temple, where senior clerics could aid them. Paladin recovered there while studying the dusty tomes and murals before dedicating himself to Selune. The finest can be found at the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where the high priestess Naneatha Suaril presides over rituals in a wide-bottomed hooped skirt with a large fanlike collar rising at the back of its neck. She could not be detected or revealed by divination magic unless she willed it. In this way, Selune steadily gains worshipers from the ranks of those who look to the night sky for guidance. They make much small coin by telling fortunes, because folk who try to read the stars never achieve the same success rate in predictions as do clergy members who can call on Selune for real guidance. Higher-ranked clergy were instead known as "Priestess/Priest of the" followed by a term traditional to the shrine or temple with which the priest was affiliated. [10], In any form or state, whenever she was in darkness, Selne's avatar continually emanated a faint blue-white glow like moonlight. The interior is a large roofless area, allowing for sun and moonlight to bask the area. Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG Her nature, appearance, and mood all changed in turn with the phases of the moon. Meanwhile, the later priests of Selne had highly variable ceremonial costumes. Contents Activities Culture Possessions Abilities Spellcasting Powers Lycanthropy Relationships Members Notable Silverstars Appendix Appearances References Activities The avatar promised the faithful her grace and protection. [26], Around 1367 DR, there were frequent stories of people sighting Selne gliding above the waters of the Moonsea. With the faith of Selne promoting equality and understanding for all, and with her wide assortment of worshipers, her priesthood were just as diverse and eclectic. During this great conflagration, the gods of war, disease, murder and death, among others, were created from residues of the deific battle. The folk here favored the worship of She Who Guides. [3][4][49][50] She kept her full divine powers and access to the planes behind a locked door in the inn and kept the Wand of the Four Moons at the House of the Moon, her local temple. Even after parting ways, Selne continued to have fully cooperative and amiable relationships with Sune and Lliira both. An alternate symbol of Selne's faithful. A crate with Selune's symbol on the side. A high priest carried as their symbol of office a wooden staff wrapped with silver, including silver flowers and vines, and topped with a moonstone. Women were honored for their roles as teachers and as role models in society and in the family. [9], Babes born beneath a full moon often grew up to exhibit magical talent, thanks to Selne's link with Mystra. [4], Temple priests provided healing to the community and tended to the residents of asylums and sanitariums, which often adjoined their temples. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [42] She did indeed, spiriting the entire city and its citizens into the Gates of the Moon, where it was named Selnarra. Among them were the first Mystra and the second Mystra, who was her greatest ally against Shar since 1358 DR. Eilistraee and Lliira, meanwhile, shared her love of frolicking under the moon. Worshipers: Female spellcasters, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks (Sun Soul), sailors The tend to dress fashionably, but not gaudily, in day-to-day life. The most humble wore plain brown robes, while others wore normal clothes accented with but a little moonstone jewelry. Furthermore, she could guide those who meditated under moonlight, even if they did not pray to her. Your circle could be dedicated to Selune and the moon, and another circle could be dedicated to the sun and be your mortal enemies. It was also believed she guided traders to the best customers. no risk refund guarantee Members of the Selunite priesthood also face lycanthropes fearlessly and thereby win respect among farmers and other members of the common folk. Get commissions by. Anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selne. [4] Followers of Lucha believed she watched over all marriages performed by her clergy. upgrade now Additionally, you learn the spells water walk & levitate. It is a blessed night, and a good sign for you all, that Our Lady of Silver considers you worthy to see her gift. These rituals are often called night stalks and during them her priests reaffirm their closeness to the Night White Lady and commune with her when possible. This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Selune, goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers, motherhood, and reproductive cycles in the Forgotten Realms. It summons the Shards to do the bidding of the mortal clergy, often to do battle with minions of Shar. Learning that Luna was truly Selne and that the false avatar was in fact Shar, Naneatha defiantly shoved her off the temple balcony. Spellcasters and barbarians too, if they don't use armor or shields. Favored weapon Selene () is the ancient Greek name of both the moon and the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. She alternates between deep passions and casual flirtations and has been romantically tied to many of the other . This document contains the following: a poem for Selune worshippers Other allies were Sehanine Moonbow, an elven goddess of the moon, whom she worked closely with; fellow gods of travelers and mariners Shaundakul and Valkur; the goddesses of nature Chauntea and Eldath; and Tymora, goddess of luck. While she is normally calm and placid, her war with Shar is fierce, with neither side giving or receiving quarter. Thus Conner became the guardian of the cat lord's heir. A hanging banner with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. A wrist tattoo with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Two female eyes surrounded by seven stars, Mariners, travelers, people needing comfort, Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars, Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars, Circle of seven stars around two feminine eyes, This article is about the goddess. 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