These early traditions of the Observatory reached their climax in the mid-nineteenth century with research conducted at the Roman College by the famous Jesuit, Father Angelo Secchi, the first to classify stars according to their spectra. For website issues email:, University Land Acknowledgement Statement, Information for Faculty, Postdocs, & Grads, Promoting a Healthy and Welcoming Environment for our students, staff, and faculty, (Obsolete) Kitt Peak Summit Dorm Room Assignments, Kitt Peak Summit Dormitory Room Assignments, Steward Observatory Committee Assignments, UA Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, UA College of Science Community Connections, Remembering William John Cocke 1937 - 2022, Catalina Sky Survey Telescopes on Mts. #20 Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest NamedL.U.C.I.F.E.R.? Lakota Stories (audio): Albert, Loraine + Mike Littleboy Jr. Lakota Stories (video): Mike Littleboy, Sr. Foster Care Scandal for Lakota Children: NPR Reports, Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation: A TED talk by Aaron Huey, Mount Graham Red Squirrels. Mount Graham Coalition |. Even incomplete, the project interferes with Native spiritual beliefs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Vatican Observatory is most likely part of the Manufactured Alien Threat. Graham was not sacred because it lacked religious shrines. If you want to learn more about the Vatican's L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Graham International Observatory. Northern Arizona News. Graham in Arizona to mount a telescope there? The Apache regard the Mt. Apache-Sitgreaves Observatory is a private facility about 60 miles east of Payson that offers viewing programs by reservation only. Et oui, il porte le nom du diable, dont le nom en fait signifie toile du matin [et qui] se trouve tre justement ct de lObservatoire du Vatican sur le mont Graham Tucson . False prophets claiming 09-23-17 starts 7 year great tribulation Prophecy in the News. Experiences in the Sweat Lodge: Body Versus Mind, Melting: Uniting Ethics and Metaphysics through Embodied Ritual, Pine Ridge: The Three Stages of Liminality, Reflection and Analysis of My First Sweat Lodge, Religious Performance and Plural Reflection, Sacred Star Beings in Yuwipi: How Cultural Values Manifest in Ceremony and Living Beyond Analysis and Individuality, Sensory Performance and Collaborative Liminal Space, SMITHS ACCIDENTS IN RITUAL: And A Case Study of the Lakota Tribe, Strong Emotions in the Lakota Sweat Lodge, Suffering Through Prayer: When Ceremony Models the Secular, Sweat Lodge as a Response to Suffering Examined Via Clifford Geertzs Definition of Religion, Sweat Lodge Tension: The Ritualized Perfection, The Academic Approach to Understanding Sacred Ceremony, The Lakota Sweat Lodge: Integrating Theory and Experience, The Outside Perspective Against the Inside, The Power of Contradiction: Aligning the Ideal and the Actual through the Sweat Ceremony, Wisdom, Experience, and Bear Butte as a Sacred Model, Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Peoples in North America, Facebook Activism and Native American Religious Freedom in Prison, Indigenous Religions and Christianity: Acculturation and AssimilationA summary, Lakota Crafts: Significance of Dream Catchers and Prayer Ties, Lakota Language: Art, Oral Tradition, and Language Structure, Learning Re-embodiment Through the Lakota Tradition, Manifesting Stories Reflecting on the Web, Maps: An Exploration of Indigenous North American Cartography, Native Identity, Oppression, and Resistance, Paula Gunn Allen and the Feminine in Indigenous Traditions, Sacred and Medicinal Plants of Native America, The Sacred Hoop as inspiration for the feminist movement and myself, Virtual Scrapbook and Mike Littleboy Sr.s Story,,,,, <, McLeod, Christoper, and Amy Corbin. As the project went forward organizations including the Smithsonian Institute, Ohio State University, and the University of Chicago withdrew from the project in support of protecting the environment as well as the cultural and religious history of the San Carlos Apache. Hasatan could have been cast to earth for any sin; but neither the NT nor OT specify what that sin was. <, DiCosola, Maria. Web. <, Stiles, Lori. And yes, its named for the Devil, whose name itself means morning star [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Apache elders filed suit in 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out and construction began. The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that ones wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. They allegedly crucified and burned at the stake heretics like Bruno, and exiled Galileo, for their trying to prove that the Sun was center of our solar system, not the Earth. Scientific researchers from around the world make use of MGIO facilities. Then stupidity must be on the rise since more and more people are discovering the globe theory a massive lie. Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced From that time and with some degree of continuity the Holy See has manifested an interest in and support for astronomical research. Notre Dame announced they will pay the University of Arizona $266,000 per night for six nights each year for telescope viewing on Mount Graham, notwithstanding repeated Apache protests of religious desecration. (Mount Graham Coalition.) National Optical Astronomy Observatory. Another group installed a telescope it nicknamed Lucifer. As the Vatican Observatory Official Website explains: The Lucifer Telescope, Sacred Apache Land & the Vatican - Jan 18, 2023. New technology developed by Roger Angel and colleagues at the Steward Observatory offered significant promise for developing a more powerful telescope at considerable cost savings. The means through which they went about acquiring sacred Indian burial land is also another dark stain on the dark agenda of the Roman Catholics Jesuits to control all knowledge (and propaganda) about space. What one may notice is that many groups who, associate divinity/infallibility with their leaders, and/or the KJV (and any other Text which falsely translates haylel as Lucifer), will be extremely reluctant to accept this simple error, and will become immediately defensive of their congregation and this tradition. Was there an ulterior motive behind this? vatican_observatory_castel_gandolfo Isa 14:12 is the ONLY place the word Lucifer is EVER used in the Tanakh. (LogOut/ Quote: A good place to start if you want to become an undergrad major or grad student, or need to find our schedule of classes. This action set the stage for conflict a century later. To the Apache the ecology of the area is what makes the land sacred and it is not related to the western idea of a physical shrine. This western view is very common, because fails to understand the San Carlos Apaches understanding of the land as being sacred for its environmental and historical reasons. In southern Arizona, the proposed site of a new mine is pitting the mining company, Resolution Cooper, against the San Carlos Apache people. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Nevertheless, Congress approved the construction plan. Put . The weather forecast at the VATT is provided by the National Weather Service. 03 Nov. 2012. of course you do not address the fact that the Vatican is the greatest and longest owners of large scale telescopes, had a Jesuit priest advising Einstein and that Copernicus book that allegedly discredited the Vatican, was dedicated to the Pope. Well, let's leave the Vatican's telescope, and go back over across the street to the LBT. On July 10, 1990, the San Carlos Apache Tribal Council passed its first of eight resolutions in opposition to use of their sacred site and of their sacred mountain by astronomers. In schools where every professors desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the heliocentric theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. and the Proposed Otter Creek Coal Mine, Fish Lake: Environmentalism as a Common Language, Hawaiian Land in Hawaiian Hands: Restoring Kahoolawe, Miwok Artifacts Found in Larkspur, California, The Wallowa Band of Nimiipuu Return Home, Sacred Lands Project: Success After Death, Salmon as a Sacred Resource in the Klamath River, Snoqualmie Falls: Sacred Grounds Transformed by the Power of Technology, Sutter Buttes: The Middle Mountain Controvery, The Arizona Snowbowl: Flushing a Religion Down the Toilet, The Black Hills: Mount Rushmore versus Crazy Horse Memorial, The confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado River: Escalade Development, The Effect of the Governmental Understanding of the Sacred on Tribal Relations, The Old Salt Woman: Zuni Salt Lake, New Mexico, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand; the Struggle to Protect Waahi Tapu, Tongariro National Park:The Implications of a Joint National Park and Sacred Site, Tsodilo Hills: The Invisible San Experience, Uluru from All Angles: The Modern Controversy of Climbing the Sacred, Valmont Butte: The Meeting of People, Valleys, Mountains, Rivers, Earth and Sky, Vatican Observatory VS San Carlos Apache Sacred Land, Ward Valley and the Sacred Desert Tortoise, Yucca Mountain and the Proposed Nuclear Waste Storage Site, Get Up From the Armchair: Applying Smiths Academic Analysis of Ritual in Conjunction with Personal Experience, A Native American Church Birthday Ceremony: Critical Analysis of Spiritual Coincidences, An Exploration of Turners Ceremonial Framework, Ceremony Reflection: Music in Sweat Lodge, Combining Academic and Personal Interpretation. 03 Nov. 2012. The Vatican set up one of the first observatories back in the 16th century and has continued to this day with the recent buildout of its newest observatory called LUCIFER, or LUCI, depending on what you read. Your third question is answered in my first explanation. Due observatories prolonged struggle to obtain a new permit, and the rise in support from governmental groups, environmental groups, and the Apache people themselves this may be one struggle for sacred land that is not lost. Graham in Tucson. Mount Graham was the free land of the San Carlos Apache, and remained on their reservation until the United States Federal Government claimed it it 1872. But you cant even pull an example of convex water out of that hat Seriously. The Biden administration has put the brakes on a controversial land exchange that would have given a sacred Native American site to a multinational mining company by 11 March.. Parts of the . Why would they then be the first to build telescopes to look into space and continue to this day? Perhaps you can enlighten us by answering one of these basic FE doctrine related questions (and if youre really astute, why not all of them!). Furthermore, the current telescopes and facilities should be taken down and the sanctity of Mount Graham preserved for traditional religious practitioners. Prior to the appeal, congress had passed an act that exemplified the telescope project from the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, thus resulting in the failure to immediately and permanently halt the telescope project. Now, at a three-day meeting beginning Wednesday (Nov. 30), Apache Stronghold is hoping to unite its cause with other similar Native American groups that are working to preserve land they deem sacred. Mount Graham was selected for the Vatican observatory due to its exceptional location that would help humans to better understand the origins of the universe. The officially sanctioned removal of the Apaches holy mountain from Apache control was complete. Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated that he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. Strange The 500 year Great Lie can easily be understood in that the Vatican, the Royal Society of London and Nazi German run NASA have controlled all information from space about our place in the Universe and all stories related up until this very day. Doubt it Only a few years later, scientist began to see the squirrel reappear at higher altitudes on Mount Graham. University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. It focused on the ancient Prophecy of the Popes and the fact that the pontiff following Benedict XVI will be the final one on this mysterious list of popes, a prophecy that was concealed inside the secret vaults of the Vatican for hundreds of years and which many believe points to the arrival of the False Prophet of end-times infamy. 2.) by Greg Szymanski, JD,, April 23, 2010 Published here: Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 5:10 AM University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. The really funny thing is that you consider these to be serious answers. This decision sparked a controversy of science, religion, and environment. Secchi is often referred to as the Father of Modern Astrophysics and his technique remains important in modern research. Although the Mount Graham Red Squirrel is the most prominent concern of the species needing protection on Mount Graham and throughout the Pinaleo mountain range, it is only one of 18 species found no where else. The central sacred importance of Mount Graham has been known to the Mount Graham astronomers since 1968, long before the opening of the Vatican's telescope in 1993. We also offer ebooks, audiobooks, and more, for only $11.99/month. Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that the mountain was sacred he would need to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-American anthropologists. From the beginning of the Vatican Observatory project to today the existence of observatory and its location on Mount Graham has been a conflict of science, religion, and ecological protection. The first two telescopes are small, inexpensive ($3-8 million each) and easily removable. LBTO headquarters is located on the Tucson campus of the University of Arizona. The church may not believe in this ancient law but its as old as the moon. The Vatican Telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - is located not within the Vatican, but in Arizona! OAK FLAT, AZ - Jan. 10, 2021: Former San Carlos Apache Chairman Dr. Wendsler Nosie addresses Apache Stronghold on January 10 . Native American nations and tribal governments could consider a resolution opposing the UA projectssee the NCAI resolution below. The Vatican Observatory's research group in Arizona shares space with other organizations. The Vatican did not name a telescope Lucifer. Lucifer was named by German academic astronomers a separate telescope from the VATT Observatory and separate scientific observations. The Vatican Observatory donated a radio telescope and loans several exhibits to the park, including an astrolabe made in 1608 and the Mertz Telescope, constructed in 1870 in Morocco. Captivating comments from Jesuit priests like Guy Consolmagnoa leading astronomer who often turns up in media as a spokesman for the Vatican who has worked at NASA and taught at Harvard and MIT and who currently splits his time between the Vatican Observatory and laboratory (Specola Vaticana) headquartered at the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and Mt. Lucifer is not hasatan, nor is it a proper name, but an honorific title given to the King of Babel meaning morning. Assemblies who will continue to perpetuate this Lucifer lie, after knowledge of this clear evidence, represent the fool in proverbs. Graham: Apaches and Astrophysical Development in Arizona | Cultural Survival. They were set in motion by a creator. From that time and with some degree of continuity the Holy See has manifested an interest in and support for astronomical research. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. The National Optical Astronomy Observatories rejected Mount Graham years ago. The mexican spotted owl, Apache Trout, Pinaleo pocket gopher, long-tailed vole, and Northern Goshawk accompany the Mount Graham Red Squirrel on the endangered species list for animals residing in the area where the observatory was built. Mount Graham threatens science without humanity. Minnesota Daily, October 1, 2002. In a news report for a member of the Mount Graham Coalition, Freathersone, states. When readingAnd the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Revelation 8:10,11-King James Bible) I was interested in the Wormwood star. In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. By the 1930s, however, the citys lights had begun to blot out the fainter stars, and in 1935 Pope Pius XI moved the Observatory to the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, a town in the Alban Hills about 25 kilometers outside Rome. Below are links to the optical and instrument specifications to assist observers. Find telescopes and instruments, telescope time applications, staff and mountain contacts, and faculty and staff scientific interests. The coming of settlers from the East disrupted the Apache way of life forever. Birney, Mt. Bregel, Emily. In a solemn audience, held on 10 November 1979 before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the College of Cardinals and the Diplomatic Corps to the Holy See, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein, John Paul II requested that theologians, scholars and historians, animated by a spirit of sincere collaboration, will study the Galileo case more deeply This desire was concretized in the constitution by the Pope in July 1981 of a commission to coordinate the research of theologians, scientists and historians which would help to further clarify the events which occurred between Galileo and the Church and, more generally, the Ptolemaic Copernican controversy of the 16th and 17th centuries in which the Galileo affair is situated. It served not only home to their guardian spirits, but also is an ancient burial site. Papal interest in astronomy can be traced to Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. The Annual Report is distributed to more than 400 institutes around the world. Im curious, why would the Vatican name the telescope Lucifer? Home Podcasts Start listening View podcast show Save for later Create a list Download to app They view the mountain as the embodiment of spiritual energy rather than as a specific place. The mountain has ancient, undisturbed burials, as well as being a source for medicinal plants and a location for ceremonies. (RNS) Congress approved the transfer of the land to Resolution Copper in 2014 in exchange for 6,000 acres elsewhere, but the Western Apache claim that the site has unique spiritual meaning. Welch said that in all, about 15 million acres were carved out of the public domain to be designated Apache lands. 03 Nov. 2012. To name it Lucifer and then place it on sacred Apache Indian ground? At nearly the same exact time, in 1609, Galileo Galilei built his first telescope by learning how to grind his own glass to make his star viewer. #24 Why Did So Many Apollo Astronots Die Mysterious Deaths in Just Three YearsTime? Required fields are marked *. One of Arizona's "Sky Islands," a sacred place to Apaches, has been damaged by development and a controversial observatory. Yes, Peter, Jesus IS the Morningstar and the Light of the world. In the 1980s and 90s, some 30 universities backed out of project and the Max Planck Institute followed in July 2002 due to excessive moisture and cloud cover which inhibit the radio telescopes effectiveness. (Source). "@ronin19217435 I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. Lucifer, the Son These narratives have include controlled opposition stories of scientific breakthroughs by Copernicus, Newton, Kepler and Galileo who all had their findings vetted through the Royal Society of England, who validated scientific theory through the 19th century, as well as the Vatican. 1. The Large Binocular Telescope which is not affiliated with the Vatican Observatory is a pair of 8.4m telescopes side by side. Would the Wormwood star be involved? Follow her on Twitter at @debkrol. Coincidently, the Latin word Lucifer has the meaning of morning star, and is defined as the following on the Google online dictionary: morning star: a planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern sky. A few things worth noting before we start: Lucifer is never directly or indirectly called Satan, nor is the word Satan ever found in Isaiah 14. Change). Yikes! But the U.S. did not quickly follow up and settle Apache lands, he said. (Mount Graham, seen from U.S. 191, south of Safford, Ariz. Photo by Ben Lund / CC BY-SA 2.0.) VATT, 2012. then how do you like the show??? Debra Krol reports on Indigenous communities at the confluence of climate, culture and commerce in Arizona and the Intermountain West. The Vatican's Mount Graham Telescope was named "Lucifer" by the German team who built it. Telescope. "There are so many commodities and useful resources in these lands. The mountain is one of several which mark the boundaries of their sacred space. TOPICS: catholic church lucifer mt. Oh my..All I can say, dear Father, pray, pray and pray,, So what is this elusive LUCIFER Telescope? In this "prayer proposal" the indigenous people needed to disclose the specific time and place they planned on praying. receive notifications of new posts by email. Teachers to the New Up and Coming Astronomers, The Vatican. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research, is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. This link is crucial to understanding how 500 years of a massive lie can be perpd through the Vatican, Freemasons and NASA. OAK . Indigenous worldviews, values and sacred places strengthen the earths biological and cultural diversity, in distribution: standing on sacred ground, Mount Graham threatens science without humanity. "This is a story of light pollution and how it persecutes poor astronomers." In the 1930s, Pope Pius XI relocated the Observatory to . (Source), Keepers of the Knowledge of Heliocentric Astronomy, The Vatican. Vatican builds a giant telescope and names it ''LUCIFER'' The Vatican, the Jesuits and the University of Arizona, unveiled a new telescope centered upon Apache sacred ground, on Mount Graham, in Arizona. Graham in south eastern Arizona, and is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory. The Apaches holy mountain from Apache control was complete Stronghold on vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land.... To look into space and continue to perpetuate this Lucifer lie, after knowledge of Heliocentric Astronomy the. Affiliated with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - formally known as the.! Not sacred because it lacked religious shrines should be taken down and the of! International Observatory controversy of science, religion, and environment in proverbs how 500 years of a lie... Higher altitudes on Mount Graham, seen from U.S. 191, south of Safford, Ariz. Photo by Lund! Around the world make use of MGIO facilities not within the Vatican & x27... 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