you cant fix prices or youll get a shortage. Because of rumors of canceled orders. Yes, a company can move and thrive, as it only a matter of time before the cutout is removed and they are closed down. The future for firearms manufacturers is less than certain due to falling demand and moving a 50year old corporation like SA out of state is a huge expenditure. Nothing Springfield will ever be in my collection now. As for furniture, the BT 9 R9 Competition comes with a Hogue overmolded pistol grip and a four-position adjustable Rock River Arms buttstock. Your opinion and yourre entitled to it and welcome to voice it here, though it seems you prefer that others not voice theirs if they disagree with you. Just as its equally acceptable for folks like me to attempt to boycott them into bankruptcy. And their quality has never wavered (damn straight). Sadly I have two. That should be true. But theyve already heard from their customers about the IFMA sell-out. Id say they are a step above most other production 1911s. The company was founded in 1996 by brothers Mark and Lynne Zanders. If truth about guns knows whats good for them, theyll be taking this story down and apologizing publicly for spreading untrue assumptions. Perhaps a company thought they could pull a fast one and nobody would notice. No, they stood by and let their customers get screwed. Made in US, SSteel frame, ambi controls, no mag safety, field strips/assembles in less than a minute with no tools or pulling trigger. had I known earlier, I might have bought a few more colt revolvers..god I wish Id known. So I got the mags from a third party seller and have refused to do business with them ever since. I have been in similar situations where it is damned if I do damned if I dont. Bill is long gone and the last 15yrs of Ruger leadership have taken a much different stance. Maybe they should look to Beretta. CZ-75/85 are great guns. Its enough of a turnaround that I forgive their earlier sins.. Any combination of buying or selling that exceeds 9 is a crime if youre not a dealer. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. Springfield Armory had two, and their now-fired lobbyist held the fourth IFMA directorship. Whats the hangup for SA? We will support our Illinois brethren and NOT purchase anything from Springfield Armory or RRA. His quote was basically the above damned if I do damned if I dont and that it wasnt worth the headache. The idea being that this bill is so toxic that Senators passing it or the Governor signing it will be drawn into a wide-ranging financial and criminal probe. Instead, we were undercut by aself-serving supposed ally. Ive never had an issue with CTD in a decade. Make this a massive intractable mess. I got a 12 2a armament Mlok handguard from them for $148.97 and free shipping in September. Rugers stated public position was screw every other gun manufacturer and screw the American gun owners, as long as Ruger makes it and we want government contracts! Henry? Great comment, but I dont think it is enough. If theres something worse than a fanboy, its a fanboy fudd. Keyboard commandos wont fight it out on any battlefield. In fact, I own a Springfield M1A Scout Squad that they gave me free of charge after I encountered a series of malfunctions with an old SAR8. And whats worse, if it passes, Bloomberg will attempt to duplicate this legislation in all 50 states. The company makes a wide variety of weapons, My 1911 search continues and Ill never purchase a Springfield. Advertise their treachery. In your opinion. Just keep in mind, if you have a dozen guns in your safe, I GUARANTEE you that at least one comes from a company whos compromised at some point. I buy and shoot a lot of guns, and this includes SA models, but I have put them on notice that I will never buy another unless they make this right. I can promise that none, and I mean none of my not unsubstantial refund, is going to wind up in Springfields receivables account. He kept his marginal Mini-14 from hitting the list, selling out the gun owner in the process! Rock Bolt Gun Rbg-1s Starting At $4,450. Meanwhile, over at the Rock River booth at the NRA convention, owner Chuck Larson has professed innocence in the matter. So in a nutshell Ruger and Springfield are now on the list. We picked up a few seats last fall, but that simply moved the average ideology of the Dem members further left in our state legislature. Send a signal to IL Senators and the Governor that supporting the bill is politically a trainwreck. Lots of work. I see how you fired a shot across IFMAs bow last week. The lobbying group in question received money from SA and RRA back in 2014. As for Springfield Armory, Im really sorry to see them cross over to the dark side. This is a digital day/night scope. Sellouts. Springfield makes decent guns but there are others out there. Rock Rivers AR builds are superb, and they come in at a price thats quite reasonable (starting at $1,585). Weve even got a state-centric message board/forum promoting gun rights. Dicks/Field & Stream, Troy, Hexmag, RRA, Springfield Arms, Target, CTD, et al, are making it hard on themselves.They are alienating their demographic. Or how much it was going to take to replace them? This will damage Springfield Armorys brand nation-wide, in a business where reputation is everything. WebRock River Arms LAR-15 X-1 5.56mm Black Semi-Auto Rifle with RRA Beast Muzzle Brake Brand: Rock River Arms; Item Number: XAR1751B; Rock River Arms LAR-15 X-1 5.56mm Flat Dark Earth (FDE) Semi-Auto Rifle with RRA Beast Muzzle Br Brand: Rock River Arms; Item Number: XAR1751T; Their entire C Suite should resign and they need to prove themselves. CTD are dirtbags plain and simple. THEY MUST BE BOYCOTTED INTO BANKRUPTCY. We beat back a similar bill last year. Never bought anything Springfield Armory, never will! The Ruger is berween $6-700. CEODennis Reese hasntresponded to a request for comment or a further statement beyond the one he released Thursday night. AR Parts. WebRock River Arms creates high quality rifles and pistols on the AR platform. At the same time, Rock River Arms began to build AR-15 style rifles. Rock River Arms also produces M1911 pattern pistols, bolt-action rifles, and AR-15 style pistols in assorted calibers. [5] [6] Did Springfield get shouted down at their own party? Now they will pay the price. Hopefully this boycott will pass over with minimal job loss to the common machinist. FREE SHIPPING on orders over $90! After asking you if youd like to sign up for a membership, and cc insurance. S&W was owned by a British company who were forced to sell their company for pennies on the dollar. An M1A was at the top of my wish list that I saving for. There is NOTHING I need from a company that is obviously manipulating the system for themselves. Hes totally grasping at straws on that point in his video. The company is based in Genesco Illinois, near Chicago. I also find their use of Springfield Armory in their advertising repulsive, implying over 240 years of history in the current company, starting in 1777. Larson first said Rock River Arms had broken ties with the Illinois Firearms Manufacturing Association which is only a four member board. Make the bill political kryptonite. I posted a similar comment on another article about the same subject matter, but again, and for emphasis: SPRINGFIELD IS DEAD TO ME. Ive refused to buy S&W products since then, with the sole exception of a Model 640 Pro .357 Magnum, which lacks the damned thing. Two? Weve got three very active groups on the ground in Illinois promoting GOTV campaigns and spreading the word. 3) Lobbyist got paid by someone else to convince his clients this was a slick deal. You wont be able to pull a fast one and expect to not get called out on it. After further review, Rock River Arms, Inc. (RRA) is immediately severing all ties with the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association (IFMA). The Henry ri fle was made by the New Haven Ar ms Company. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. chamber also differ from the 5.56 mm NATO chamber How many Illinois politicians wind up going to jail? An American voting for a Democrat Rock River Arms has Anytown on I80 feels like the Chicago area to the downstaters. The NRA would likely throw you and your fliers in the dumpster. I bought my first Rock Im appalled that Rock River thinks that we are that gullible.. That kind of thing actually happens all the time in lobbying. Glad I happened upon this article. So Rock River Arms story is complete crap and a bald faced LIE on the order of, I did not have sex with that women. So many good options, why buy from jackasses. Was also saving up for an m1a. Katrina gun confiscation showed us what any civil conflict will have as the belligerents, LEOs / Feds posing as LEOs giving you a hard choice.and a few Bundy-style standoffs. I dont have anything from either of the turncoat manufacturers and based on their actions, I never will. Bill may not have been perfect (who is), but his passion for firearms was solid and he was known as Americas Gunmaker, for good reasons. Your arguments are supercilious and embarrassingly logic free. Maybe then you can explain it to the pussy who wrote this article. My favorites in their calibers, cherished in my collections. (Im a 30 yr Vet). Glock and S&W sell their guns to states like NY, NJ, HI that trample our 2A rights every day but I dont see you bashing them and Ill bet most of you own a Glock or a S&W. Czech Republic makes good guns,like CZs. I was a dedicated 1911 guy and really wanted to stick with something with a grip safety like the EMP contour or even the R-51. Rock River Arms is a firearms manufacturer located in Colona, Illinois. Springfield can drop dead, Ill support gun manufacturers who support me. How is it that they even survived to change in the first place? The LWRC, DD and BCM are ALL over $1300. So, if youre looking for a cheap AR-15, Rock River Arms probably isnt the best option. When I explained that sales were still legal before the SAFE Act deadline went into force, they still refused. Nobody moves a company to New York (Remington has moved most out). I would move EVERYTHING 25 miles West to Davenport Iowa. Sorry for the spelling error. Pick something and follow it. I used to have a TRP. All evidence to the contrary? I cannot in good conscience support in any way a company that would pull this kind of stunt. If Rauner is serious about re-election he will veto this flaming sack of shite. once you jump in bed with the marketing types. They are more than welcome in southern Indiana. Its enough of a turnaround that I forgive their earlier sins. Kahr moved out of NY. Companies move all the time. RRA and Mr Larson are the only ones who can make a reliable AR-10. I made the move to northwest Indiana 20 years ago. Two more companies added to my do not buy from list. I look at their site and the parts were available from the same warehouses at a higher price. We can live without them much better than they can live with out us. Ive spoken with a couple of bigger dealers in Illinois in the past 24 hours. Rock River Arms sent me a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle with a tan stock and 24-inch barrel for testing. You can learn to make good parts on a CNC a lot faster than on a Bridgeport or SouthBend. You would answer your own question if you noticed my opening remark: Ruger was making superior quality products using totally American resources. The XD and Saint are good guns, but they really arent all that different from a lot of other good guns on the market. The more concentrated the producers and sellers of firearms becomes the easier it will be to controlled and monitored. Dont forget about the Ruger, Smith and Wesson sellout.. Oh yes, the Senator behind the bill has many skeletons, There is a story of a guy that got run out of business after a hurricane because he jacked his prices up for generators. I have to say this really makes me mad. I cant imagine the CEOs of those two companies werent in the loop on these negotiations. Everyone here is minding our business, because its our business where our money goes. If I was a competitor, Id print up ten thousand flyers announcing Springfields decision and carpet the show with them. Rock River Arms is an American manufacturer of firearms that was founded in 1996. They have no ethics. Not saying you have to like what happened, but its soviet Illinois, it was going to happen with or without their opposition. LAR 8 is a nice weapon. January 2023. Well, not basically, they did. thats the one ive just stopped considering. There are more corrupt justices out their than honest ones. when supply cant meet demand, then the price increases.. this draws more suppliers into the market to meet demand and you see the price decrease. They profess innocence at this point, lets see if their actions match their words. I am happy with my Polytech. By the time most of them have and Springfield Arms starts looking for a new home, they wont be welcome there. Springfield, on the other hand, has gone silent. Of course lobbyists have the highest ethical standards, so thats just crazy talk. Just to be clear, they are using the name of the original company of Springfield, but they are not located in the city of Springfield. There is too much crap that I dont have a choice on (can you believe EVERY RV tire is made in China? As a long-time, dedicated anti-gunner, this wasnt Senator Harmons first legislative rodeo. After the next civil war, we wont allow another one. When you sell high dollar items like firearms, it is really, really, unbelievably stupid, to piss off your customer base at rebate time. Beretta (ex-MD) and Remington (ex-NY) make your statements look foolish. Maybe worst of all, passage gives anti-gunners a win they desperately needed. They did what they thought would keep the Criminal Clinton Administration from making a total all out war on guns. Tony- IFMA is SAs and RRAs lobbying firm(as opposed to an existing firm that SA hired. However, the R-51 is a bear to clean and still hasnt proven itself totally for CC, coming off its well documented ill fated Gen 1 launch and Remingtons continued reliability issues. Thanks for Nothing SA. Wheres the proof they had enough influence to dictate what that organization did. if you run a company and you dont know whats going on this is what you deserve. Beretta kicked Maryland to the curb for their ridiculous gun laws. Granted, the company isnt run by a Henry these days but I thought the paper trail of ownership was fairly clear and unbroken. If youve already implemented them, great. With the Hillarys loss there is no longer a looming gun ban on the horizon and the firearm industry and market is facing a correction. Dennis Reeses statement to TTAGon IFMAs deal was insulting. One of the few cases of sincere contrition. Most importantly, support our brothers in arms in Illinois. Rock River Arms earned their reputation by manufacturing some of the most accurate and reliable semi-auto rifles for the law enforcement and civilian markets. One dealer told me hes pulling Springfield product from his shelves to give his salespeople a break from carping customers. Enjoy shooting it, and the second one if you buy one. I read somewhere that there is a city named Springfield in almost every state in the Union. They will now go to the top so I can wear them out and use the warranty. Up yours Springfield! Huh? That is amazingly God Bless America, As a dealer I will no longer suggest either one of these firearm companies to my customers or stock them there are many other fine firearms on the market. Good for them. In the former case its a matter of not really understanding the client and in the latter its a case of assuming that its better to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission. They did what they had to do to stay profitable just like companies in Kalifornia and NewYork and liberal bastions. We want our dealers and our valued customers to know we wont ever do anything like this again., We fully support the Second Amendment and stand by it. Wasnt sold on DAO until I shot it. If anyone from SAs Corporate Communications department happens upon this post, please get this in front of Dennis Reese and let him know that his actions are shameful, and that he has just traded his honor for a paycheck. WebRock River Arms LAR-15 LEF-T 5.56mm Tactical Operator AR-15 Left-Handed Rifle Notify Me When Available; Brand: Rock River Arms; Item Number: LH1278; Rock River Arms LAR15 Cancelled orders? While it was a great pistol, the front strap checkering was just way too aggressive for bare hands. WebRock River Arms RAGE AR-15 Rifle 5.56 Nato / .223 Rem, 16" BBL, 6 Position Stock, M-LOK Free Float Rail, 30 Round, LAR-15M - Model DS1850 Carbine. There should be a hall of shame for betrayals (and later repentances) by gun companies. In my collection i have a M1A, a Socom 16, a XDM in 45 and a XDmod2 in 9mm. Nothing unethical about this practice. To be fair- since Bill Rugers death, the company has done a complete 180. Wasnt there big stink couple years ago about so called kitchen table FFLs not realy conducting business for living and just getting wholesale pricing on guns for themselves and their family members? RRA should be punished too. I would sell the xd .45 and the xdm 9mm I already have but I dont think there is much of a market for them now. When I found out that they hire Vets to assemble and test them, it was icing on the cake and I got one for low $400s. But do they double down on their error (Target) or put things into place that not only fix the error but make them new and better than ever. RRA will wind up being an LE only shop. Keller dropped IFMAs opposition, providing cover for a couple of wavering Senators to vote for the bill. Its about the same price as an M1A. Accurate and precise for The Springfields looked to be a good value. Hugely disappointing. As the old adage goes, put up or shut up. Both companies are stalwart defenders of 2A rights and arent in the habit of heavily funding Bloomberg puppet, anti gun politicians, as has been discovered of both SA and RRA. Maybe thats the case in many instances, but its not like the IFMA has thousands of members. No offense intended. Huh? AND everyone that the lobbyist represents must be in agreement. The RBG-1S is available in .308 Win./7.62x51 and 6.5 Creedmoor, with a 20-, 22- or 24-inch barrel, and a black, green or tan stock. They did what they had to do to stay profitable just like companies in Kalifornia and NewYork and liberal bastions.. Rock Solid: Rock River Arms NSP CAR Rifle. Under no circumstances would they sell me any magazines. I ended up buying an Honor Defense Honor Guard. Very pleased with it, as it has most of the features I wanted on a CC weapon. Never buying anything from springfield ever again and my one xdm is up for sale as of yesterdayI dont even want it in my safe. About three years ago, RRAs Elite Operator hit the market sporting features designed specifically for professionals. Screw CTD. All of these rifles are vastly superior to Ruger. Ruger didnt compromise, they wrote the AWA and betrayed every American gun owner in a most serious way. An EMP 4 WAS the next scheduled buy.. not anymore, never again. If that hurts a company whos sold you out, good. When no one else had any left. Your Price: $744.13. Its transfers. WebA similar thing happened with Yeti and the NRA, where Yeti ended their NRA-specific discount program but included them in a broader discount program. Rock River booth at the NRA convention, owner Chuck Larson has professed innocence in the matter. Shocking I know. Taurus? Anyway, at least for now, I will bide my time and see if Springfield repents and takes positive actions to atone for their irrational IL acts. Did you expect anything less than shady from the Illinois legislature? Bonus was it was stainless frame and made in the USA. He supported this legislation, (by not opposing it) that LIMITS CIVILIANS TO 9 FIREARM TRANSFERS PER YEAR!!!! Never a single problem, thousands of rounds. Ruger today is a strong supporter of everything 2A. Folks like me are willing to kill for them. Theyd screw over their grandmother for a dime. Springfield could have fought thisor vocally opposed it on its way to potential passage. I would start negotiating with one of those for manufacturing space and move my entire operation to a gun-friendly climate. Well after reading this and let me add no love for blue Illinois my days with SA are over., Grow the hell up and when you get some big boy panties and own your own business you will understand how it works. , my 1911 search continues and Ill never purchase a Springfield weve even a... Hit the market sporting features designed specifically for professionals them have and Springfield now. A fast one and expect to not get called out on any battlefield for professionals and AR-15 style pistols assorted... Can live with out us say they are a step above most other production 1911s ( starting $. Civil war, we wont allow another one great pistol, the company makes wide... Civil war, we wont allow another one out on it Springfield are now on the platform! American voting for a New home, they stood by and let their about! 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