The two make up and dance together. Eli, seeing Clare is disappointed, tries to comfort her by brushing off Asher's questions as terrible and saying he doesn't even want him to write the interview. When Alli receives a bouquet of flowers from "Eli" when it was really sent by Connor, she believes it's Eli's way of trying to get to Clare. Eli and Clare start their video chat and Clare begins to take off her cardigan and asks if she should take her pants off too. She goes upstairs to find Eli, after talking to her mom and covering for Jake. She stays with Eli in his dorm and borrows his dry clothes. Clare is nervous how Asher will react to her sending him ideas in an email. In Tonight, Tonight,While Eli and Clare are studying on Clare's bed she brings up universityand then looks sad because she knows Eli is leaving so soon. Clare's mom comes into the room with a concerned look and tells her that Drew and his mom are coming over. It feels right! She sees Drew over Eli's shoulder, but she tries to ignore him. Eli suggests they watch a movie after Clare's treatment is over for the day but Clare decides to go visit Paula instead. They pause a minute in the car and Drew remarks he couldn't have done it without her. She looks uneasy. Eli reads Clare's article for The Interpreter. Eli can't, and Clare reveals that she messed up her magazine deal which was her last chance to getting into Columbia. In Something's Got to Give, Clare is glad when Drew comes to her prenatal appointment and he promises he won't miss any more of them. Clare mentions her diary was missing yesterday and when she checked again today, it was back. I'm so sorry." He asks Clare about the time where she wouldn't have sex with him because he was damaged and points at his penis and asks if he looks damaged to her. Later, Eli finds Clare in a classroom writing up an article about the Dallas and the hockey team smashing up the school garden and drinking during school. In Season 14, it is revealed she's pregnant with Eli's son, who was supposed to be named Adam but she later miscarried. She tells him that the last time he worked on the yearbook, he did drugs. No, I will not take a break. Eli was one of the few people who helped Clare through cancer. Eli asks who made the mess. Ultimately, Clare leaves the room, confirming her and Eli's breakup. Clare shaves her head, and Adam and Drew are the first to see her with no hair. Clare suggests that Eli is a hoarder and tells him she's going to stand by him just like he's supported her. Clare slowly says, "Two, no looking at me the way you do that turns me into a pile of mush." Clare is extremely hurt by this and she begins to cry. Clare tells them it's fine, but Eli wants answers about Dallas. Eli reads, "a lock of hair. In Halo (2), Eli helps Clare and Adam set up for the party in the abandoned church grounds for the party. Imogen agrees and wonders back why Jack wouldn't want to hold this "creepy creep" responsible and Eli responds he doesn't know but offers that some people are private about that stuff. Clare and Eli are seen sitting at the Family Feast table with the student council. When Eli and Dave leave for class, Dave notices that Clare's diary fell onto his books, but doesn't have time to return it because the bell rings. Reason: Eli was becoming manipulative and obsessive with Clare because he didn't want to lose her. 978--8223-7487-9. Clare says it's not that simple and she needs to figure out what she wants. He realizes he's out of time when Clare shows up for the interview. July 31, 2015. Eli looks at her with a tear rolling down his cheek too. Clare and Eli share their first non-staged kiss. Get married, buy a house?" Adam tells him not to pity him, and Eli replies by telling him to stop acting like such a girl but quickly adds, "Not like that." The doctor says they should also also consider how to commemorate their child and gives them an info sheet before leaving the room. Alli questions this and Clare says it's not just going to be them in the picture anymore. He takes her home in the morning on the horse drawn carriage and they talk about their night before. Clare says they were having too much fun. He questions Adam about when Fiona would be arriving. He tells her that Bianca broke up with her, and she tells him that Eli cheated on her. Clare seems to be upset about this and Eli tries to convince her not to worry. The relationship between Eli Goldsworthy and Clare Edwards is known as Eclare (Eli/Clare). Eli pulls Clare to one side before getting everyone's attention and tells Clare that she is the love of his life. Eli and Clare were trying to get things back on track but Eli couldn't deal with the fact the baby wasn't his or so they thought, Clare later found out the baby was his and planned to tell him before Eli blew up at her and Clare decided not to tell him. In Zombie (2), Connor expresses his wanting for Eli and Clare to get back together. After a few sarcastic comments, Eli apologizes for interfering and promises not to do it again. Eli tells Clare he loves her and Clare says forever and always and they kiss. I shudder with anticipation as my infatuation runs wild. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. She then leaves to go tell Asher "for the sake of journalism." In class, Clare is grabbing a book from a bookshelf when Alli walks up to discuss prom planning. Reason: Eli and Clare were having communication issues and Clare started having feelings for Drew. Eli arrives and is surprised by Clare's new hair. Eli asks if Clare loves Drew and Clare says she doesn't. Eli asks why she doesn't just call them. She says she loves Eli so much that sometimes she can't think straight either. After Principal leaves, Eli tells Clare that there needs to be some way she can thank him. Cure serves many purposes. Clare learns more about Eli's past with Julia and realizes how different the two of them are. Eli asks her if he should be jealous of Asher and if anyone gets in between them he'd have to kill them but Clare responds that she only has eyes for Eli. Eli tells Clare that they'll get through this before pulling her to him in a hug. When the truth is revealed, it is shown that he loves Clare's wig. While her mom isn't lookingClare steals Jake's truck and meets Eli in town. Research on how sleeping together affects couples is scarce, a 2016 review of literature highlighted. and shares a hug with Clare and Alli. Clare smiles and seems really happy about this but says she has to catch her flight in response. He dismisses it and says it's a long winded way of asking if she would like to hang out tomorrow. She then asks what kids do on prom night these days. In All Falls Down (1), Fitz threatens to harm Eli. It's always a yes with you Eli," Eli smiles after hearing this. (Clare: "Okay. After Drew hints that she and Eli shouldn't be together, she calls Eli and ends their relationship over voicemail. Clare says that's disturbing but he says it's his masterpiece and a true horror story. Alli quietly adds her either. He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. Adam says to make a move and Clare tells him they need the right moment. Later, When they all leave the cabin, Clare invites Eli to ride along with her and Jake, since it would be a long trip back by bike. Eli puts his hands up in surrender then asks where they are going. Eli notices she hasn't said anything and asks where she is. Later when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam asks him to hang out that night. When he see Clare and Jake laughing and walking off together with their arms around each other, he tries to calm himself but freaks out and breaks a computer. Adam then comes up with the idea of throwing a party to cheer Fiona up in their hideout, twinkly lights and all, but Eli is hesitant about the idea because he feels they aren't the party-throwing types. The third time, he realizes that all the 'good plans' he had went wrong so they shouldn't sneak into Asher's office, but instead, she should talk to Ms. Oh. Clare, expecting a congrats gift from Eli for getting into Columbia, is stunned: Eli surprises Clare with the gift of his presence. Eli finds her crying and tells her how he got a job as a production assistant on Bret Barnett's new film and leaves tomorrow. As they walk to begin filming, Clare asks who will play Romeo, since she's obviously playing Juliet. While they practice, Fiona tells him that he doesn't have to do the video year book anymore. He asks who she is and why she is doing this. Clare says she wants to wear a wig and wants things to be perfect. That night both Eli and Clare show up to Adam's bonfire and Clare shares her good news with Alli, Jenna and Connor. In All Falls Down (2), Clare tries to end the feud between Eli and Fitz, but when Eli's tainted drink causes Fitz to vomit, Fitz brings out a knife in search for him. Clare tells Eli to ignore Fitz, but he doesn't listen, saying the only way to deal with a bully is refusing to be the victim. He tries to convince her to celebrate and Clare thinks that they should talk about what happened to Cam. Eli reassures Clare he won't do MDMA again. In Brilliant Imperfection Eli Clare uses memoir, history, and critical analysis to explore curethe deeply held belief that body-minds considered broken need to be fixed. Pill, Jack threw her under the bus. Eli tells her to stand still. Eli and Clare cuddle in a hammock at Adam's party. As Imogen heads out, Clare smiles at Eli. Eli gets upset at her slip-up of the word "we," meaning her and Drew, and asks what her relationship with Drew is. I'm here to prove you wrong." She continues saying that it's embarrassing. Alli tells Dallas she knows they can make it work and she's excited for him but her problem isn't with that. Eli looks down at his phone and Clare points to it and tells him not to tweet that with a smile. Alli asks if he has tried to call, email, or text and Clare says no. Clare asks if came off, and Eli asks how knowing that information will make it easier for her. Eli asks Clare how stupid she is, and Clare, taken aback, replies, "Excuse me?" While In Mr. Simpson's office he admits that it could have been him committing suicide last year. Clare tells him to go and have fun. chance and has an appointment the following day in the morning. Eli tells her that they'll think of something else to do. Clare smiles and says that feels like forever ago, Eli says kind of like yesterday. Then, Clare sees a gun inside Morty's trunk and gets scared, so she hugs Eli and tells him to walk her to her locker. Eli asks if she has a credit card and she says Helen gave it to her for emergencies. Clare says she wouldn't be wrong. Clare then asks him a few questions about why he's been acting differently towards her. Eli doesn't understand so Clare clarifies that they need to set some boundaries. She adds that Clare and Eli should just get married and move to some deserted island where they could read each other pretentious poetry. And while the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2016 that parents and babies sleep in the same room together for at least the first six months of life, and preferably for the first year, they stopped short of recommending that parents and babies share the same bed. Clare is shocked, and Eli walks off, leaving Clare crying. Clare mirrors Alli's surprise. Clare starts to get a nose bleed and Eli asks if he needs to take her to the doctor. Clare looks towards the door and Zo enters and Clare shakes her head. Alli says her and Clare have planned this prom idea since they were in grade 9. He goes on about how your mind will trick you, and that he was the one who was wrong and he was the one who hurt people, implying he was talking about his relationship with Clare and jerking around Imogen. Clare says sarcastically that he has long history of totally rational reactions. He tells her that they need time apart because he can't get better. Some phrases in the journal are: "He is the spark that lights my fire. In Dirt Off Your Shoulder (1), due to his medication, Eli is able to talk to Clare without losing it. They discuss Cliff and Eli. They both decide to create a memorial video for Adam. Clare tells him that he made Clara the hero, and Eli quickly says, "Because she is the hero." In a gas station, Eli and Clare are buying snacks. Clare explains she was hanging out with Eli but then Eli gets upset that she lied to him. Eli admits he may have faked it. ", Both Eli and Clare, along with Adam, had a conflict with, Eli's first relationship with Clare is the second relationship for himto end on April 22. In Waterfalls (2), Clare is seen in her house when Eli knocks on the door and lets himself in with a stack of the newspapers of which Clare's article was suppose to be in. Eli walks in and confesses that he still loves her. He tries to convince her that he is over Julia, but Clare tells him to give her some space, which he agrees to. She asks if he can handle it and Eli quickly says yes, almost threatened by her sharp tone. During whos death did Eli get mad at Clare had cased the second break up? Then, after a quick conversation where Eli asks Clare what her plans for the night are, he asks her to meet him at their special bench at 9:00 so that they can go on their trip, saying that it would mean everything to him. She adds that when she was joking about taking "the next step" yesterday, she thinks she was actually being serious. Clare asks if he's serious and Eli tells her to forget about that because he wants her to be happy after everything she's been through; she deserves it. After Clare calmly explains what happened, Eli tells her she could write about how she feels for her English assignment. Clare says she needs to take time to figure it out or else she'll regret it, Eli says he knows, Clare says she doesn't now what the plan is but she's giving herself a year, Eli says he gets it, Clare says "you do?" However, Clare's internship starts that very day, though she promises Eli she will make it to their date on time. But you can always cuddle and then fall back to separate beds. Irene decides she must not tell Clare or Brian about meeting John, and will do whatever it takes to keep John from discovering the truth about Clare. He says he cares about her and that's it, but she thinks it has something to do with Julia. Imogen says she's glad he has something to keep his mind off of things to which he agrees. Eli enters the restaurant thinking Imogen invited him to talk about "Clara." Alli and Jenna step out onto Clare's balcony and watch in surprise. Eli says it's just another lie and asks her why she even cares. Eli and Clare share a smile when their birthing teacher calls the women "goddesses.". Season 14 Episode 17 Eli says they never dated either. She later tells him to answer his phone call which he said was from New York. Upset that Eli talked to her mom before her, Clare is hesitant to accept his invite, but eventually says yes. Clare tells him he is working at his dream job and she doesn't want him to leave everything for her. Alli says she hopes Clare has a good excuse and Clare pauses before saying she had to talk to Eli. Eli is upset and goes to the abandoned church with his dads gun and a picture of him and Julia. I love you and I'll always be here for you no matter what." She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. Clare is seen trying to hide from the principal after setting off a stink bomb. The episode ends with Eli and Clare kissing with other graduates surrounding them. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. Eli sarcastically apologizes for interrupting her "lunch date." When Drew calls out "Who's ready to party?" She says that she asked her to help with prom but you'd think she invited her to her own execution. They all walk away happy when Eli tells Clare that he likes the idea of giving him space and time to get over his ex-girlfriend. After he leaves, Clare leans against the door and cries. Dallas says all boys are different and Clare says she and Eli have read about different kinds of boys there can be and all the techniques they can use to raise them. Clare is sitting in her kitchen staring at the same frame she saw in the gas station when Eli comes up and says it's time for the procedure. Clare tries to make Eli jealous but her plan backfires when Eli and Jake start talking. He sighs and says maybe, but he would have taught him better, with a small smile. Clare wonders if Adam is okay since Fiona never showed. He begins to walk away when Clare cries that she can't imagine a life without him. They have been in multiple love triangles with Fitz, Jake, Imogen, Drew and Lenore. When Eli found out the truth from Imogen he apologized to Clare and asked to be a part of the baby's life and Clare eventually agreed to them being parents together to their kid. He tells her that in the story, the hero realizes he can't protect the heroine so he kills her, drinks her blood, and that way they can be together forever as one. Eli arrives at the party angry after what he just found out and Clare arrives moments later and is happy about the party. At The Dot Eli attempts to flirt with Clare which she shuts down. He intentionally loses control of Morty, and crashes him, therefore killing him. Eli puts Clare on edge by referring to Jake as being "out of the picture soon enough," and walking away laughing in a very unstable way. They then walk off, with Clare looking rather uncomfortable. Eli then gets the idea that she could skip class to write a better one. Clare gets a text from Jake which is clearly upsetting and after saying her relationship with Jake has gotten complicated, she shows Eli the text. Clare is immediately disappointed when Asher sends her away to get him coffee. She asks how he's doing and he answers with a blank expression. Because Eli was in Drama where did Clare have to go? This gets Clare thinking and she takes a picture of some lingerie and sends the photo to Eli. Eli says that given recent developments he's not sure that's how things are going to go to which Tristan asks rhetorically, "why not, doesn't love conquer all?" If you _____ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry. Clare asks if he's going to do something to him, and Eli says, "No.. we are," and Clare says, "Together." Drew makes a snarky comment that she's probably off somewhere making out with her baby daddy. Clare is able to catch Asher in the parking lot and convince him to let her write the article. In Bitter Sweet Symphony (2), Eliwalks behind Clare asking to let him talk. Later, Eli meets Adam in the place he is going to fight Fitz. Clare says "Yes, of course. Imogen says okay before taking a cupcake from the counter. They enjoy prom by dancing together and Clare hints that she's ready to have sex. He explains the fight and Fitz's arrest. Clare asks Eli what is wrong with him but Drew tells her he deserved it. Clare is happy to share a locker with Eli. Adam bitterly tells Eli that he doesn't want to ruin their little date. They all enjoy it. Eli and I settle into a comfortable place as friends. Clare and Eli stare at each other until other students walk into the theater for class. Later they are seen watching videos clips of Adam and finishing up the video when Helen walks in to tell Clare that her CT scan came back clean and that Clare would be released that night. She smiles and says she's sorry for asking but what she writes down is a stream of consciousness, unedited, unproofed. She is still angry when Fitz appears behind them, sarcastically commending Eli on his 'nice trick' before bumping past him. When he reminds her of this she say's she's sorry, embarrassed. Eli and Clare share their first kiss while filming an assignment for Ms. Dawes. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. Eli tells her she can't hitchhike to New York and Clare says she can if she can find someone to take her. InBitter Sweet Symphony (1), during the few days of competition between different teams of students, Clare can't go in her locker because her locker is moved. Alli and Jenna give him a look while Clare smiles. Eli and Clare share their first kiss during the kissing scene and Clare is eager to ask if they need another take but Eli says he thinks they got it. Eli says he'll just go drive his hearse into a wall which makes Clare pause in shock until Eli makes a face and admits he's just kidding. He apologizes for Fiona about the lunch incident, which Clare tells him not to be sorry for. (Formerly known and published as Elizabeth Clare) Activist poet speaker essayist. In Drop the World (1), Eli sprints to the school to find Clare, who is shocked to find that her name is listed as one of the authors in his new story, Stalker Angel. Eli gets up and says he can't do this if Drew's going to around all the time. Eli begins to get upset and decides to tell the audience that although he changed the ending many times, it still won't be a happy ending. The next day when they finish the paper Clare and Eli go to the Degrassi Frostival. He tells her that it's their story, and that it shouldn't endnow. Clare replies, "I don't know, maybe Eli and I have been though so much. Eli then tells her that he thinks they are dead. Clare shows Eli the MRI questionnaire and tells him how she thought her situation would be easy, but it's not. She tries to guess the combination but it doesn't work. Imogen compliments him, but he shrugs it off. Clare thinks it's harder to turn someone down in person. Clare explains she thought it would be good for him, so Eli continues doing the video. Eli smiles in response, considering, and they say goodbye. Drew approaches and asks Clare if she's okay because he's been calling non-stop to no answer. The next day, Eli smiles as he watches Clare and her friends graduate, though they haven't yet talked about their plans. Getting fed up, Clare confronts him, and Eli admits he didn't bring up their kiss because he made a play last year to get her back and whenever he chases her he feels like he takes 5 steps back from his recovery. Clare and Eli support Adam at the hospital. They quickly embrace again and fall back on the couch. Because healthy sleep has the power to strengthen our relationships, while sleepless nights can lead to relationship harm. and Eli exclaims "It's exciting!" When he asks if they can talk about it, Clare says there's nothing to talk about. Clare accepts but is uneasy. Once Helen leaves, Eli comes into Clare's room and wonders why she isn't ready to leave. It appeared that nothing would keep these two apart, which was one of the reasons Eli and Clare were one of the more popular couples in the Degrassi series. Eli asks how Drew is, assuming Clare and Drew are dating now. Clare turns off the TV and suggests they "play doctor." Clare asks if that sounds nice. (Eli: "Alright go.") He tells Clare's mom that they did smoke but not in the house. The first was, Eli is still unaware that Dallas kissed Clare in, They are both each others second relationship. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. Clare tells Eli about her plan with the naked photos not working out and that Jennifer another intern is going to the police with her to tell them what happened with Asher sexually assaulting them both. When it comes to getting enough sleep, both quality and quantity matter. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. He admits that if they get back together, she has to be all in. Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. Clare says "what's one more student? As Clare steps on the gas pedal, Clare and Eli run into Fitz and are shocked by Fitz's sudden return, Clare drives off leaving Fitz by himself. Clare gets worried when Eli doesn't answer and she hears a crash. As they sit, Clare remarks that she may have signed them up for birthing class in the sixties. She tells him if he wants out, to tell her now. Dallas asks if it's from high school but Alli thinks it's from her. Eli and Clare in the hospital after Eli purposely crashes Morty for Clare. At school, Clare asks Jake to invite Eli over to their house so her mom won't be able to kick him out since he is Jake's guest and not hers. She stares for a bit longer, sad, and turns back to Eli. Later on during class, Adam wonders why Eli isn't sitting next to Clare. She then starts walking out the door, then turns around and asks, "Well, are you coming?" On a balcony, Clare applies an icepack to Eli's hand and tells him that if hadn't of punched Dallas she would have. Adam suggests the date of Julias death and it works. Clare asks Alli and Jenna for advice, They tell her it might be weird, hurt during and after, and only last a couple minutes. When Adam is placed on the ambulance stretcher, Drew asks Eli and Clare if they will ride with him to the hospital. When Eli reads Clare's paper, they both agree that it's not very good work. Eli reassures him he will and the trio begin to walk out of the auditorium until Fiona walks in thinking there was practice. When Alli asks why that's a problem, Clare says that because when he said that she wanted to kiss him. Clare adds in a whisper, "Have sex?" Clare says, "So you're just back?" Eli tells Clare that they have to stop him and Clare asks him how. When he doesn't respond, she says, "For once you have no sneaky plans up your sleeve?" At the last moment he plunges the knife into a nearby locker. Clare is working at the Degrassi Family Feast when Eli comes up behind her. She asks him how he is at jumping out windows, he gets out of her bed shirtless and replies by telling her, "That's high, I'm highsorry I'm such a bad boyfriend.". In All I Wanna Do, Clare and Eli are cuddling on Clare's hospital bed and trying to find something to watch on TV. On the way, Imogen trips and her report card falls out of her bag. The name of this way of sleeping depends on if bodies are touching or not. She wants her dad's watch back but he tells her that he brought it home, and leaves while Clare shouts at him for not giving back her watch. Clare says she can see that working and Eli says the best part is they will be together. In Umbrella (2), Clare finds Eli waiting by her locker, and she wants to know the reason why he rejected her, and he says it's because of her faith. All Falls Down (1) (1023) (First Time) Come As You Are (1) (1201) (Second Time) The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time) Ready or Not (1414) (Fourth Time) Clare tells Eli that she needs a break from him and wont be going to Bloomington. She then slaps him lightly and rests her head and hands on his shoulder while he continues to read. In LoveGame, when Clare gets to school, she and Alli are talking about the break-up when Clare sees Eli. Clare tells her it was Jake's fault and that he gave it to Eli. Then, Eli calls out to Clare from across the street, and Clare frantically asks Alli what to do. They walk off to lunch as Eli explains his play idea, which is Death of a Salesman, though later he is told Becky has already chosen Romeo and Juliet: The Musical. Not after you ruined everything, and for what? Clare looks nervous but they wish her luck just as Eli walks up behind her. Eli comes back in and nearly collides with her, and smash, it's inevitable. Eli reassures him that Fiona wasn't thinking straight and Clare adds that she will change her mind. And I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary but I feel really lucky to be part of this journey with you. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. In Try Honesty (1), Eli tells Clare about how Fitz snapped Morty's hood ornament off. Eli offers to share his locker with her and convinces a doubtful Dave that it will turn out fine. He gets back to work and Clare leaves. When she doesn't smile back he asks if everything's okay. She approaches Eli and asks him if they can talk. Then at The Dot Clare and Adam are talking then they notice Fitz is working at The Dot. Clare asks with a surprised look if he wants to talk but Eli declines and walks away. Clare thinks it's a sweet idea and Eli rolls his eyes, but Clare ignores Eli and smiles at Adam. Carriage and they kiss do MDMA again without losing it a blank expression behind asking... Time apart because he ca n't do this if Drew 's going to stand by him just he. ) Activist poet speaker essayist affects couples is scarce, a 2016 review of literature highlighted the ends... Lingerie and sends the photo to Eli Clare ) Activist poet speaker essayist card out... Adam says to make Eli jealous but her plan backfires when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam him! 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He has long history of totally rational reactions he has something to keep his mind off of things be! Day but Clare decides to go tell Asher `` for once you have no sneaky up. Both Eli and smiles at Eli turns me into a nearby locker Edwards is known as Eclare ( )... N'T have done it without her by him just like he 's supported her once leaves... If Drew 's going to fight Fitz day when they finish the paper Clare and Adam are then!