Read on to find out three simple but fundamental ways in which you can access your Feminine Energy more deeply, in the dating process. Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man. Tell him how much you love to spoil him, because he spoils you, too. How to regain our feminine energy?Learn to ask for help. Learn to relax and ask for help! Stop stressing about what you cant control. Daily rituals that make you happy. Dont forget to have some daily rituals that will make you happy. Reflect. Many of us are so busy that we rarely give ourselves time to listen to what is going on inside us. Force yourself to transform Once, a man I liked shared with me that his restaurant business wasnt doing well. WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you When you take care of yourself emotionally and physically, it shows that youre confident and strong. Some examples of how it looks like in practice include: This is a major attraction-killer and is going to make a masculine man run away. (I might run a course sometime in 2020 around healing wounding with men; make sure youre on my email list if you want to hear more about that!). This is attractive to most men because they dont want to be around someone who is harsh, aggressive, and angry all the time. Dont take yourself too seriously and use your feminine energy to be playful and enjoy life. Your emotions are there to protect you and to make you feel better after a while. A woman or a man should see this as a trait of confidence and passion. Your man will want to put your needs and feelings If he is bringing you gifts and flowers, let him know that you are thankful for his gifts. Women of color had to wait until 1975. The feminine craves fullness. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy his company. You will also be able to determine whether or not a man is right for you because youre independent and arent desperate to be with him. Her life is so full! And its keeping us from forming deeply healing and incredible relationships with men. Youll only block your own blessings by always trying to reach someone elses standards. Even though, to our minds, this appears to be the most harmless thing, it is not. When a woman embodies her feminine essence, her whole life is transformed. As you can see, this entire article is focused on being your authentic feminine self. You do this by listening to how you feel and boosting your emotional intelligence. But what does it truly mean to step into our feminine energy and what role can that energy play in living our best livesboth personally and romantically? On the other hand, a woman who is embracing her Feminine Energy in dating is like a lighthouse. Notice the smells in the air. This is super important for you that you rely on yourself first and foremost. When you make sure to stretch more and do more cardio, youll be releasing your femininity much quicker. Youll feel like youve lost your touch like youve lost the woman you were before. What usually happens is that a couple starts out with polarity (because: sexual attraction), and then over time, one or both of them occupy a pole that isnt natural for them, and they end up feeling more like buddies than lovers. Importantly, these traits are not associated with gender. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Being a loving person is more about acting up on the sentiment that you are experiencing to create positive connections into your life, than it is about anything else. Finally, its important to remember that you dont have to be right all the time; you just have to be honest. You may be the one who makes all the plans for the future. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. If things in your life are no longer working for you, it is feminine energy that surges to make a change. Vulnerability is attractive to men because it shows that you are a real person with real feelings. If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. Likewise, many women are still raised with expectations to be feminine, but there are many benefits to being clear, directive, and progressive. Two hundred years ago, women were still considered property. Another major thing that holds women back is the repressed anger many women have towards men, who are our external representations of the masculine. You need your masculine energy to accomplish certain work tasks, to take action in the world, and especially to set boundaries. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable. This is where Feminine Energy becomes a really magnetic quality. This means no initiating communication, no texting, no reaching out, no sending Facebook and Instagram follow requests, and definitely no suggesting or planning dates if he is not asking you out! For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Never forget that youre incredibly valuable. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Even when you stop controlling and initiating contact, you may still not be fully in your Feminine Energy in dating. And [when] we think about the nature of a woman, we think about vulnerability, we think about gentility, fluidity, emotional intelligence, tenderness, sweetness and a whole host of other things but mainly those. Because of that, youll have to define your own femininity. Theyve done everything they were told to do to be successful in society. Itll be evident in every single smile you show to the world. It also shows him that you have your life together. Take daily showers, always wear perfume and deodorant. This will activate the hero instinct in men and hell definitely spot the difference in you right away. When youre in a relationship, you forget to pay attention to your hobbies. It helps us to connect the dots of our lives. When we overvalue masculinity, we spend most of our time working and very little time resting, taking vacation, and spontaneously connecting with others. Of course, you should always strive to give the same amount that youre receiving in a relationship. Whatever you do, just dont take someone elses definition and make it your own. All you have to do is internally connect to who you are. 1. Being the Lighthouse becomes really easy to do if youre Rotational Dating. N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! Without becoming aware of these patterns, a protective barrier is formed around the heart the place where the feminine essence is sourced. It will feel full of beauty. Not everyone has a masculine you can trust. The feminine attracts what she wants simply by existing in her natural state of flow. Initiating contact does harm the attraction a masculine man feels towards you, because, in a romantic equation, a masculine man wants to be the one in control. This will allow him to be his truest self as well. Couples dont *have* to have polarity. If you want to be more feminine in a relationship, How can you be more feminine in your relationship if youre not expressing yourself in any way, shape, or form? Its also okay for him to not be able to notice when you look beautiful. WebWere simply funneling and channeling the energy youre using now to figure things out, to Problem-Solve into the happy, fun, ACTION, goal-oriented things on your list. This difference is what causes polarity. Ask yourself what you need to do in order to feel and look feminine to yourself. He will see you as someone who he has to win over and this will make him want you more. 2021 Sami Wunder, All rights reserved. There are different conceptions of what a woman should be, especially when it comes to behavior. WebThe key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics This means that you trust yourself to speak up for yourself and to set boundaries in your everyday life. Youll be able to use your feminine to add pleasure, surrender, and magnetism into your life. Youll also be able to use your masculine in ways that help you, instead of drain you. Waiting by the phone for a sign from him. And I know thats absolutely awful, but thats the reality. Feminine energy is bold as wellit's the force of transformation. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. When you want to be more feminine in your relationship, you should think about the way you want your partnership to change as well. Here's what you need to know about how to be more feminine and get in touch with your feminine side. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. If you love cooking, make some delicious food. One filled with your own friends, hobbies, interest, spiritual inclinations. If you are constantly looking for a man to validate your existence, he may lose interest quickly. Opening-up is probably the way to go. None of these things are true, but it requires a willingness to decondition yourself to truly let go of it. Relate through camaraderie, entertainment, and problem-solving. And you can also choose to process it through your body, and to see men in a different light. Then the Divine Feminine principle will no longer be a mystery to you. But the feminine isnt mental its sensing, feeling, intuitive. This happens especially when youre married to a man who works a lot. I know that the bedroom is a good practice place, but you may want to look for your limits outside of the bedroom as well. Hi loves. 3 Powerful Feminine Energy Shifts For Career Women To Create The Love Of Their Dreams. Remember that, in order to attract meaningful connections, the best thing you can do is to stay true to yourself. In your relationship, dont ever let your sensual energy subside. Now we will address polarity It can leave us feeling like were not really comfortable with ourselves. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. MORE: 8 Mistakes Women Make to Destroy Sexual Polarity With Men. If you can live from your feminine, life will feel easy. Men are the "outies"; women are the "innies." Your feminine energy will be so much stronger if you feel more confident in your own body. Feminine health care 7. Take Care of Your Appearance Feminine energy isnt just about looking good, but when you start taking care of your appearance and dressing in a way that enhances what you have your man will notice that. Its endless chatter, music, song. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Try these things out and see how they go you might even surprise yourself! This is exactly what you want. Required fields are marked *. Even if you can do these things for yourself. Required fields are marked *. You want to be able to give your partner the perfect woman because hes the perfect man for you. xo. At a deeper level, being the Lighthouse means keeping an open heart and allowing yourself to be seen as the prize for all kinds of men. Beauty is pleasurable to feel and witness, and it is created by the feminine. You have a right to express your feelings and every emotion you experience is valid. Our entire world is made up of these dichotomies: dark and light, summer and winter, birth and death. And then utilize your masculine to help you act on it! If you find yourself feeling a lot of resistance to this idea, I want you to go inside yourself and really feel what comes up when you imagine giving up control. Give your full attention to the music youre listening to, and notice how it makes your body feel. Your life will include more synchronicities; youll be living in a way that feels true to you. This will not only make him feel more confident and powerful but will also help you to use your feminine energy effectively. What follows are nine practical ways to increase your feminine energy. Your body seems like its not yours anymore, so you feel like youre the issue. Feminine energy is fluid. WebExcellent relationship builder and strategic partner to the business and HR. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. We live in a material world, which is why simply trying to change how our mind is feeling often isnt enough. Eight Everyday Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy 1. Many women who want to find their feminine side while in a relationship solely focus on their appearance. Ideally, in a place of full love, you are able to be yourself without any restraints, so do not disregard what you feel. Find ways to contribute to your relationship, 7. Safety is rooted in ourselves. How was your weekend? just to get the conversation flowing? Youll stiffen up, especially around men; youll be guarded. Web3 Best Tips for Using Feminine Energy to Attract a Man 1. Considerations of masculine and feminine energies have real-life consequences. Dr Donna Oriowo, a certified sex therapist, and Keli Pitts, the Femininity Doctor, joined ESSENCE Lifestyle Director Charli Penn during the 2021 ESSENCE Festival Of Culture Virtual Wellness House to dig into what it takes to reclaim our feminine energy. Afraid that, if they dont make a move, the man is never going to make a move himself. Instead of running after an ideal that has nothing to do with you, discover what it takes for you to embody your own femininity. 2. Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want $14.49 (219) In Stock. Feminine energy is also creative energy. A good way to do this is by asking them things in a more feminine way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Macbeth operates International Introduction Services for single, separated, divorced & widowed men and women aged predominantly over 27 years.". Many of us are so busy that we rarely take time to listen to what's going on inside of us. Moving from your head into your body 4. Your masculine side gets expressed When I tell you to take care of your appearance, I mean that you need to take care of your physical health. As I mentioned above, if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. It is being energy. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Advertising Terms. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. Places like the forest, jungle, parks, and the ocean are abundant with natural feminine energy. So do different types of exercise every day. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Loose Leaf Artisan Tea Blend includes: Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena, L Im not saying that everyone is prone to doing that, but most of us are. Knowing how to use feminine energy to connect with a man is a matter of becoming receptive. It will feel pleasurable. The woman who is putting her life on hold for a man is like a laser beam a concentrated, dense light going in only one direction. Being aware of your surroundings and the way certain things make you feel is really important. Here are 14 powerful ways to use your feminine energy to attract a man. Every single person on the planet has both of these energies. Also, when youre soft and delicate, it shows that youre kind and gentle. And men arent allowed to be feminine, either god forbid they feel their bodies or their emotions. When she walks into a room, everyone appreciates the glow of her feminine However, societal norms often dictate that certain traits and behaviors are associated with either masculinity or femininity. Become The Person You've Always Wanted To Be & Attract The Love You Deserve, How To Become The Most Attractive Version Of Yourself. You should definitely work on changing that. Because society will tell you that you have to be soft and quiet to be feminine. Its beauty and grace personified. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. Because of that, you have to work on understanding which parts of your description of femininity are influenced by society. Find ways to contribute to your relationship. 10 meanings behind this powerful experience. Moving from your head into your body. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors Conversely, feminine energy is calm, nurturing, caring, and compassionate. Letting your feminine side take control of how you live and relate to others, is recognizing that vulnerability is not something to be ashamed or afraid of, but something to embrace, so be prepared to have deeper conversations. What things can you say no to? So when you feel an emotion, dont just swallow it down. Control. There are 17 of them altogether, but here is one example: Simply stick your tongue out playfully at him. Give up the need to be right. Men love it when youre playful. Did you like our article? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. This has left so many women feeling exhausted, irritated, and resentful of different aspects in their lives even though often they dont know why. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. This means that you have the strength to handle your life while also being open and honest about your feelings. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. While this process of transformation can feel unruly and scary at times, it is necessary. This is important because it will make him want to be around you more often and will make him want to continue showing you how special he thinks you are. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. 4. Whats more, men dont want to be around someone who is always available to hang out with them. We express ourselves very differently. If you dont have a container that feels safe, you probably will not be able to drop fully into your feminine. If you are always trying to seek approval from your man, he may begin to feel suffocated. Do 33 rounds of breath. We're overworked (over-masculinized), and therefore don't often experience the spontaneous joys of life. Its the natural result of a woman who has been forced into her masculine, when really all she wants to do, deep down, is to relax into her feminine. 2. It means that you dont need to be the one who initiates plans to go out and do things. Successful women are resented. So when they receive so much from a woman, they stop giving anything in return. Make sure to let it flow through you freely and dont hold it back. Joyful receiving 2. That allows your feminine energy to come forth. There are so many toxic belief systems in this world that are based on patriarchy and that dont really give you the freedom to express your unique femininity. Brad Pitt feels a super strong connection with his girlfriend Ines De Ramon, according to a new report from Us Weekly . Take a deep breath on your last deep inhale, and then scream and shake everything out. If your body is full of stored, unprocessed emotions (as most of our bodies are), it will be difficult to relax deeply into your body. WebConnection - Intuition - Harmony Step into your feminine Yin energy. So not just an act that you put on, but something that you cloth yourself in thats more revealing of the inner-self, so its about your authenticity more than anything shining through and how you see your femininity moving forward., But now that youve defined it, how does one get more in touch with this energy. If you're wanting to get spiritual with it, consider exploring your connection to the Divine Feminine. Rather, you are selective about who gets to be in your life because you are treated like a princess. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 Its true! WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. You can do that even while youre with someone because you both work on becoming the best versions of yourselves. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. You can effortlessly achieve it by simply being light, joyful, playful, and positive. So being able to come to center and be like, ok, this thing has been an issue for me and then being able to define for yourself what does it mean for you to live your most authentic life. Or perhaps youre always the one to forgive and forget easily, so youre always making changes to yourself. It simply means that you dont need to approach him each time you see him. Sep 2016 - Jan 20225 years 5 months. Its also a way for you to let him know that youre not a doormat. Its hard to be feminine in a relationship when youre not letting yourself be vulnerable with your partner. Because if you are shrouded in all the other stuff that doesnt even belong to you, including the fact that weve often had our femininity thrust on us based on what someone else thinks it should look like and what they think it should be, and the fact that, Black women have also had it equally stripped away from them and said that youre not actually feminine because we dont find your desirable.. I have so much compassion for that version of me, but you can learn from my experiences. Offers may be subject to change without notice. It attracts to itself that which it wants, versus going after it. Who are you supposed to take care of if not yourself? When we are in our immature feminine energy, we feel lost, confused, anxious, overwhelmed and unable to plan or make decisions. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. If you love reading, go to the bookstore and pick up some new books to read. Now masculine energy WebMasculine energy is direct, aggressive, and action-oriented with a focus toward achievement. Make other plans and live your life. Tone of voice 8. This will show him that youre a woman who respects herself and her body, and who isnt easy. And when a woman comes along and triggers them, it causes a powerful response. On certain days, it may include yoga, and on others, running or some other sort of cardio. Thats why, when we do get into a relationship, we tend to lose that to a certain extent. What other way to do that but to be more feminine? 8. When you want to be a feminine partner, you should tell your partner why you love him. In some ways, these skills embody the previous ones weve discussed. You see, men like the chase, so let him chase you. Boosting his ego can make him feel appreciated as a man. Be Open To Receiving. The feminine is the creative force. The most difficult piece of this is that most women dont really trust their own masculine because theyve never been modeled it in a way that feels good and they also arent practiced at embodying their feminine. Thank you I needed this. Feminine energy is often associated with being in touch with emotions, mainly because, socially, women have been taught that it is fundamental to their identity. Thats why you cant just ignore your physical appearance. We lose the softness. Youll learn that you deserve that loving and caring partner sitting right there next to you. The link is here on Spotify (click on those words) but you can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Taste your food slowly. Overvaluing masculinity also leads us to become dependent on man-made things, such as our smartphones and laptops, and spend less time in nature or expressing our creative selves. You two have had a few joint ideas, but they never saw the light of day. If youre a naturally feminine woman living mostly from your masculine, you will probably feel confused, annoyed, and youll end up resenting your relationships. A question I like to ask myself regularly is: How can I make this moment even more pleasurable? In your relationship, you could be the one who always talks but never allows your partner to share his thoughts. Girlfriend Ines De Ramon, according to a certain extent direct, aggressive, and action-oriented with man. Feel their bodies or their emotions definition and make it your own body everything... Out with them bold as wellit 's the force of transformation can feel unruly and scary at times, shows.: 8 Mistakes women make to Destroy Sexual polarity with men women to Create the of... Want $ 14.49 ( 219 ) in Stock go of it it causes a powerful response material,! 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