In War of the Worlds, while wondering if the angels have Jack, Castiel asks Duma if Jack is potentially in Metatron's old cell. Metatron retrieves the demon tablet, but finds that Castiel has gotten to his grace first so he flees with just the tablet. However, their searches turn up nothing as Metatron hasn't had any accidents with Castiel's car which would've led them to him. Castiel refuses to talk and Metatron uses the distraction to cast a spell to stun Castiel. One of the prime examples of these effects is when he almost kills Metatron. He describes how special he felt as God's scribe, and how bereft after God left. The angel is prepared to kill Metatron, but . Demons in the Supernatural universe are malevolent spirits originally created by Lucifer. Metatron casts a spell and frees Lucifer who is unable to teleport them out. Metatron is such a difficult villain to rank in terms of fighting ability. An annoyed Castiel starts to ask Metatron about Amara, but Metatron misunderstands what he wants and believes he wants the demon tablet. Tyrus refuses to listen to Metatron's offer and points out that if Gadreel kills him, his faction will just join Castiel. But then -- then they started to scheme. It aired on Wednesdays at 9:00 pm (ET) on The CW. An annoyed Castiel starts to ask Metatron about the Darkness, but Metatron misunderstands what he wants and believes he wants the demon tablet. Metatron wondered if he was going to be destroyed as he went on rant about his life as he criticizes Chuck's books, which he deems not even close to cracking the top 10,000 best books he's ever read. Efram and Jonah interrogate Castiel for information on Metatron's whereabouts, not believing that Metatron tricked him and escaped despite it being the truth. He says that Metatron left a "personal note" on the tablet which reads as a farewell and apology to God for choosing to leave this world. The episode was written by co-executive producer Robbie Thompson and directed by executive consultant Robert Singer.It was first broadcast on May 4, 2016 on The CW.In the episode, after Amara unleashes another attack, Sam and Dean look through a way to . During Book of the Damned, Castiel and Metatron continue their road trip to retrieve Castiel's grace. In the Zohar, he is identified as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt.[2]. - SCOTUS update: More than 50,000 letters already received! But I do. Metatron simply continues to taunt Castiel about how everyone uses him enraging Castiel into further attacking and leaving Metatron badly beaten. 'Supernatural' season 9 summons its 18th episode of the year in "Meta Fiction," as Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) approaches Castiel with an offer, and Sam and Dean try to learn what they can . His powers would be boosted with the aid of the angel tablet, even allowing him to extinguish holy fire. Gadreel kills Kevin and goes to rejoin Metatron. This one definitely, definitely. After Lucifer agrees to help them fight Amara above all other concerns Metatron recites a spell that frees the injured archangel, but Lucifer is unable to teleport them out. When Castiel threatens him, Metatron calls him broken, scarred deep and paralyzed by trauma and fear. While Sam doesn't believe him, Castiel is able to tell that Metatron is telling the truth. Gadreel agrees, but Metatron demands a demonstration of his loyalty. First, Castiel helped Dean locate the angelic weapons needed to kill Lilith, the final seal preventing Lucifer from rising. While Metatron thought it would be easy living life as a human, his tune would change, claiming the indignities of making his rent, keeping his phone charged, and hemorrhoids had become too much for him. He then honors their deal by delivering Castiel to them, but reminds them that no matter what they come up with, they can't win against him, but he would enjoy watching their efforts to do so. Metatron easily overpowers Dean and stabs him with his blade, mortally wounding him and eventually killing him. He reveals that he still has access to Heaven, and contrary to his earlier thoughts of enjoying being the only angel still there, he finds it rather boring. YOU ARE SUPERNATURAL ETERNAL BEINGS! Metatron's name means a guardian, a leader or the sun's servant. However, Gadreel is so disgusted by Metatron's actions, he switches sides. Good luck with that," Dean said and opened the back door for Gabriel and Cas to get in. Looking for a book with that title, Metatron tries to talk to Castiel about what he will do once he gets all of the remaining angels back into Heaven since Hannah has put it back in order. Once done so he attempted to become a god to mankind itself, rallying many human followers until confronted by Dean himself. However, Castiel is able to reach the book before Metatron, much to Metatron's dismay, and regain his grace. And I can save them.Metatron in Do You Believe In Miracles? That night, Dean arrives and faces against Metatron with the First Blade. That night, the two angels trail her to kill her, but she reveals her knowledge of what they are and begs them not to kill her. At least as you've mastered it so far. After completing a deal with the two, Crowley translates it to learn that the spell is in fact there, but that Metatron made it irreversible. Dean starts beating on Metatron who goads him, telling him it brings him further under the Mark's power each time. After Castiel shattered the angel tablet and tricked Metatron into revealing his true intentions, at the cost of Gadreel's self-sacrifice, Metatron was overthrown and locked in Heaven's dungeon, but not before he killed Deanand caused his transformation into a demon. . This was the best finale in such a loooooooong time. After getting what he needs from Metatron, Castiel lets him go to the Winchesters' annoyance. However, there's no sign of Metatron having an accident or even getting a ticket which Castiel finds surprising as he didn't believe Metatron, as a former angel and shut-in, would be a good driver. Chuck soon revealed his knowledge of Metatron burning one of his books as the latter questioned his knowledge of that. 'Supernatural' Profile: Crowley Fergus Roderick MacLeod (c. 1661 - 1723) was a human, who after death (near the age of 63) became Crowley: a powerful demon who was the King of the Crossroads and the King of Hell, following Lucifer's second re-imprisonment in his Cage. While watching a news clip of a violent crime, Castiel spots that the videographer is Metatron from his reflection in a car's mirror. Metatron is an angel and the scribe of God, and so is far beyond the power of Ruby and . Metatron was first mentioned in the episode "Reading Is Fundamental", where he was referred to as the "Scribe of God" and credited with writing the Word of God, a collection of stone tablets detailing information about God's creations; one of these tablets told of the Leviathans and how to defeat them if they were ever freed from Purgatory. Okay sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand my confusion and can elaborate on this. Castiel realizes Metatron wants to die and asks him about what he said about being happy as a human and building a life for himself. He sends Cas back to Earth, and completes the spell, causing all the angels to fall to Earth. Donatello finds Metatron's annotated notes on the tablet which Donatello states appears to be an effort by Metatron to give context to God's actions. Castiel reluctantly agrees and puts Metatron in his car to find it. I mean, we all did. Metatron tells Amara that God meant well and asks her to spare the universe. He captures Castiel, bringing him to him under the illusion of a fictional scenario he created. He was portrayed by Curtis Armstrong, who also played Dan in Dan Vs. Metatron possessed a short, man with black hair . Metatron points out that Castiel only tried to live as a human for around a month but Metatron is human forever. Crowley (Supernatural) Metatron (Supernatural) Gabriel (Supernatural) Lucifer (Supernatural) Andy Gallagher; Ansem "Webber" Weems; Additional Tags: Garbage Man!Dean; homeless!Cas; Depression; Sexual Assult; Panic Attacks; Religious Castiel; Barber!Benny; Hair Stylist!Charlie; Violence; Metatron's vessel appears to be lactose intolerant. What could go wrong? He wants those who could oppose him killed, and gives Gadreel a piece of paper with the first target: Kevin Tran. Metatron quickly flees when Sam swings an angel blade at him. He noted the chaotic nature of humanity as fascinating but would be annoyed by the emotion and energy they expressed. While Sam doesn't believe him, Castiel can tell that Metatron is actually telling the truth. Despite that, they continue writing the biography with Metatron even revealing he took over Heaven to get God's attention as he voices the imperfections of humans but how they never give up. Metatron says he's just a writer, but that Castiel is a warrior. Anyway, he seemed very worried about his work, what would happen to it when he left, so he had me write down instructions. As Hannah contemplates the deal, Castiel shows up and refuses; telling Metatron that he has come to accept his own fate, and that the thought of him rotting in a prison cell until the end time is solace enough. They fight them off while Belphagor works on the spell. Get ready for your powers. Suddenly, he and the dog are summoned to a bar, where he finds Chuck Shurley, the author of the Supernatural books. In considering the tablets, dont forget the guy holding the pen/chisel. In Season 11, the Winchesters and Castiel search for Metatron in hopes that he can tell them about Amara and how to beat her. Metatron is briefly mentioned by Castiel while examining a stone tablet containing the Word of God; he notes that Metatron is an angel who kept records of Creation. He later wears a straight-jacket briefly, but is dressed in regular clothes once more when he's brought to Earth to be interrogated about the Mark of Cain, clothes he remains in afterwards. As she is an innocent woman, Castiel hesitates, but when she attacks him and Metatron, Castiel kills her with his angel blade while she attacks Metatron and completes the first trial. HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! Castiel takes Metatron to an old warehouse where he is disgusted by what Metatron is doing for money. Metatron continues to gloat and to justify his actions, but Gadreel's doubt of Metatron is obvious. Metatron is initially delighted, but soon realizes that Chuck intends to finish this book regardless if the world is destroyed by The Darkness, due to having grown disappointed in all of his creations. Castiel nearly beats Metatron to death, but when Metatron asks Castiel to finish the job, he stops himself. Metatron speaks to the angel in Sam's body, revealing that he knows the angel possessing Sam is not Ezekiel, but Gadreel. Metatron easily overpowers Dean and stabs him with his blade, mortally wounding him. The angels in Supernatural couldn't be any further from that notion. After Donatello senses the Darkness coming, Metatron tells them to go while he stays behind to hold her off. The note wrongly lists Metatron as an archangel. In "Road Trip, Metatron continues to give Gadreel names of people to kill, including the latter's former torturer Thaddeus as a show of good will. [1] In return for the tribe telling him stories, Metatron gave them longevity. While showing respect for God and believing him to be a fair individual, Metatron shows disdain for God "publishing the first draft" and believes firmly on re-writing and working at something until it is perfect. In "Captives", Bartholomew's followers are trying to find Metatron by marking his sightings on Earth and recording the photos taken at each sighting. The door to Heaven is a playground?.Chutes and Ladders, Parcheesi, Chinese Checkers and Metatrons sandbox and what they all have to do with Team Free Will finding their way home, Let me talk a bit about Metatron, his jealousy issues, horrendous writing skills and how big of a douche he really is, Because Im Lou Gehrig?how the answer to Metatrons question is a resounding no, while a true hero in the game of destiny versus free will leaves the field, discussion on Metatron (and angels) and why they might eat (untitled), but perhaps sweetness isn't the only taste angels can appreciate, though it would be the first and foremost (untitled). Metatron bemoans how he used to be able to heal such wounds with ease, though he can't anymore and wouldn't anyway. RELATED | The CW Fall Schedule Revealed: Flash Paired With Supernatural, The Originals on the Move. After learning that God was going to sacrifice himself to Amara, Metatron aided the Winchesters in an effort to save God. In the illusion, the archangel Gabriel has returned to life to try and convince Castiel to lead the angels against Metatron. Telling Metatron it's not fear, Castiel attacks Metatron, beating him badly and demanding answers about the Darkness. Its revealed that at least most of the angels are angry at Castiel for his role in Metatron's plot and want revenge on him. As Metatron and Gadreel are leaving, Constantine arrives and blows himself up, killing Tyrus and injuring Gadreel. They removed his grace, turning him human, but spared his life in exchange for the location of the rest of Castiel's grace after he revealed he didn't know how to remove the Mark. When an angel reveals the truth, Metatron nearly attacks him until his new followers do it for him and kill the angel with Metatron's angel blade. Eventually they stop for food which Metatron enjoys but turns out to be lactose intolerant and makes a mess. While at a bar, ironically with Gadreel's first vessel as the bartender, Gadreel arrives to give Metatron the tablets and is getting sick of killng humans and angels but Metatron gives him another which turns out to be a cellmate of Gadreel's in Heaven who he reluctantly kills. He even gave a meal he found in a dumpster to a stray dog. While Metatron escapes with the demon tablet, Castiel gets his grace back and is left worried about what Metatron will do with the tablet and his freedom. He and Metatron start watching Dwight, but Naomi arrives and abducts Metatron. Meta Fiction and Metatron, Chuck, Cigarette-Smoking Man, and Kilgore Troutor, why does Metatron have a copy of Slaughter-House Five next to his typewriter? Some of these reapers like Maurice and April Kelly would side with Bartholomew while others like Tessa, still faithful to their mission, would become incredibly saddened and almost suicidal at being unable to help the human souls in pain. Dean Winchester gets some wild kills in Supernatural, from Abbadon to Cain to Hitler himself. 'Supernatural' season 9 summons its 23rd and final episode of the year in season finale "Do You Believe in Miracles," as a rage-driven Dean makes his final assault on Metatron, while . He explains that he left Heaven to protect the tablets and himself from the archangels who want to use them to take over the universe. I'm not one of them. Name: Metatron, went by the name of "Marv" at one point Origin: Supernatural Gender: Male Classification: Angel, The scribe of God, God, Human Age: Millions of years old Powers and Abilities: His true form is an incorporeal, multi-dimensional being, while occupying a vessel he has access to super strength, speed, durability, reflexes and stamina, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, photokinesis, smiting . Metatron is the angel that was chosen by God to be his scribe and take down his notes into the tablets known as the Words of God. That night, Dean arrives and faces against Metatron with the First Blade. At the end of his life, Metatron faces down Amara bravely and simply asks her to spare the universe, having no thought for himself as he did in the past. As the tribe is supposed to be protected by the Messenger of God, Sam and Dean realize this is where they might find Metatron and travel to Route 34 in Colorado to have a look. 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